They don't sell the parts. They literally use them for the broken ones. Not a big deal to me, I get enough out of them the lack of the AC's doesn't bother me. Plus no need to worry about capturing
freon, etc. Plus, the corporate big wigs get upset if they get rid of them before they are stripped for useable parts. I see the broken units everyday. My wife works there after all as the AGM.
An I'm friends with the head Maintenance guy. I do side work for them when the big storms roll through, an they need an extra hand.
How to get known? Easy..just walk in an ask for the maintenance man. I live on a sandbar it's easier for me to access hotels, as it's a tourist spot. I get stuff from other hotels to, an that's how I went about it, just like anywhere else. Granted, I can also go visit their bar an have a beer, or soda or something, so they see me more regular then a lot of others. I don't know if this works in a big city, as I don't live in live 2 miles out on a sandbar. You can also just ask for the agm/gm an go from there. Being friendly to the staff works also, they'll tell you who to talk to. Just don't be rude, don't interrupt them if their busy with a guest. I see cab drivers do this a lot then wonder why their
business cards get tossed in the trash.
The guest comes first. I know this an act accordingly when I go into a hotel. Some of hotels are big names, others are local owned.
An remember while they may not have scrap on hand right then, most hotels do change outs, or work on the hotel. Make a good impression, stop in reguarly so they don't forget you, an you'll be the one they call when they do that kind of work. In my last post I mentioned the ceiling work they did, I got a good 600lbs of scrap. They called, said "Hey we're doing the lobby, can you come by an get this stuff as we drop it?" I said.."Hell yea, see ya in 5." I was there in 3. My sandbar is small, so your time may vary..ha!
Hotels are a great source, but like anything else you just gotta work it. I've gotten away from them of late cause of the
ewaste an not much work going on this year on them. This could change after the holidays when they ramp things up before the season, but if not..I'm good. They still call me for old monitors, computer stuff(towers/routers/etc). Matter of fact I'm grabbing some cabinets later this week, to throw in my shop for storage, an one for upstairs in my office to be my fridge holder in my office. Yes I have a fridge in my office..shouldn't surprise you folks who been here
Good luck to all who try getting in with hotels, it's a good source.
Sirscrapalot - Keeper of the traveling cooler, an has a fridge in his office.