So, let's say I have enough batts to fill a trailer. I get enough to fill two to three loads a week !
How much $$ for money will selling to a refiner get you. There's many brokers who will take your loads mixed. Say half batts, quater rotors and quater rims on pallets wrapped.
Buyers like that are willing to make the small margin between. The absolute end user price and what they are paying you. If the trailer is ready to be re shipped to their buyers only.
That's happening now. I'm sellin my material batteries, cats, rims, ironly al and rotors to my long term buyer and mentor. He is paying me so close to
TL price its crazy and he does little work. Funny the two smelters here east of the Mississippi know when my loads are going to him. I stop selling to them for a few weeks or moths and he starts doing a million pounds of batts in a few months again.
Yes your going to lose nee profit this way. It's higher than selling to a middleman, and I get to keep flipping.
There is more material out there than I can buy still.
I'm a h/s drop out that just knows how to work. This isn't rocket science. Its fun work and we meet the best people.
I don't know if that helps your question.
Lots to talk about.
If the price changes after you take that contract your covered.
Watch the lme or comex.
If it goes up your usuallu not going to get paid more unless your having dinner with the refiner once a month. Lol.
They include shipping in price.
Some buyers like (won't give end user name)will let you mix copper, brass rims and batts. Only a Gaylord of each isra grades.
Knowing the grading is first thing.
Your Gaylord of old brass if your putting comp in it they are not goin to upgrade the box. If your number one box has a bunch of tinned wire. Your whole bale of wire is now number 2.
Ops you work for free son!!
When your selling to your local buyer or yard they will work that out.
I wouldn't start selling TL amounts to end users before you know your ready. You blow that up your screwed. Not many around for me and my battery addiction to make mistakes. Yes lots of brokers but only three real end buyers in this country.
Yes I'm losing what .05 cents on my orders because I'm short selling (ltl) to my buyer because I need $$ now. My fault I don't have the huge $$ to do it now alone. .05 on 100,000 is $5000 a week I'm losing. But I know he gets it. That keeps my buyer like my best man at a wedding. He sends guys to me with material!
He also understands when I truck load to a smelter.
I have a gold mine I won't talk about to many people that involves better than scrap price. On my items its a nice way to make your margins go from 10 percent to 1000 percent.
My name is Aaron (batman)
I love batteries.