This forum has been very valuable for me over the last year. The information provided by members has made all the difference during a mid-life crisis. That is what my wife calls it because I gave up my profession, started scrapping full time, and joined this forum last December 16. You have given me the confidence, knowledge, and inspiration to travel this path. I spend a lot of time viewing the threads, much of the time as a guest because I have little to offer to the veterans. I thought I would share another part of my life to offer something back as a thank you. Every Christmas for 26 years I have made my wife a gift from scrap. We live a western life style so the gifts are based on that.
Below is this years gift. Yes every part of it is made from scrap. The kerosene lantern is actually the best parts of two lanterns found on different farms. The globe was given to me by my mother in law. The base is a drive chain sprocket, the hames serve as the frame, and the horse shoe is from a draft horse. The bit serves as the brace at the top. The ice pic was found under an aluminum feed wagon and in great shape.
The next picture is my mother in laws brand that I made for her as an early Christmas present.
This picture is last years wine rack I made for my wife. As you can see, I was in a hurry to start my journey and did not paint the hames.
This was the gift two years ago. I had to include my working/hunting/fishing hat that belonged to my grandfather. It is made out of 1 inch rebar, railroad spikes, railroad plate, and the cross is out railroad tie keys.
Previous gifts included bar stools out of tractor seats and horse shoes, a horse collar mirror, towel racks out of horse shoes and rebar, curtain rods out of horse shoes and rebar, and coat hooks. Next year will be a coffee table made out of an old wagon wheel and hames. I have all the scrap but not the time to finish it.
Thank you
Scrap Metal Forum and Merry Christmas.