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Scrapped a organ today

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    gunslinger66 started this thread.
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    Scrapped a organ today

    I know this was already posted but I just wanted to tell how this went today. I got a lot of boards out of, from what I can tell mostly low grade but a few good ones. No brass though, but a lot of wire, I mean a lot of wire. Pretty good amount of metal too. No ivory keys but speakers and such. Going to look into this a little more. I am going to the yard tomorrow to see what the total is, it was given to me and spent about $5.00 in gas and about 3 hours doing it.

  2. #2
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    was it a hammond ? you might want to read some old threads about the wires in it

  3. #3
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    What kind of organ? There is one on my CL for free...they ask for a donation, but still..pretty much free. It's a church. Still works an is a nice looking organ. From the outside looks like all wood, curious whats inside. lol. I'm thinking of grabbing it, if for no other reason then to just save from being scrapped.

    Sirscrapalot - Do ri mi fa so la ti daaa

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  5. #4
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    What kind of organ? There is one on my CL for free...they ask for a donation, but still..pretty much free. It's a church. Still works an is a nice looking organ. From the outside looks like all wood, curious whats inside. lol. I'm thinking of grabbing it, if for no other reason then to just save from being scrapped.

    Sirscrapalot - Do ri mi fa so la ti daaa
    old renovated theaters might be prime candidates for those kind, theaters from 1910, 20s, 30s, from before movies on up through the silent movie days, they all had or needed organs

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I keep seeing it on there Bear, I think it's a sign I may need to give/find it a new home! I'll be happy if I can pop the back off an see the insides! Besides..a donation to a church can't go wrong. It's a triple win. They get a donation, I get to see if I can see inside of it without hurting it, an points with the big fella upstairs, it's a win all around.

    I guess now the question is..what's a good donation. Not like I'm taking a sight seeing tour of a pier an can away with tossing a buck in the box. I'll have to find the ad again, an see if the picture is there. If so maybe I'll post it an you guys can give me advice on it.

    Sirscrapalot - Hobo is in charge of quotes till I return from my trip this weekend.

  8. #6
    Bear is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Sirscrapalot - Hobo is in charge of quotes till I return from my trip this weekend.
    Cool beans man, I'll keep an eye on the cooler! ; )

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  10. #7
    sawmilleng is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    If you find an extra organ while in the big smoke, make sure you get it transplanted right away, 'cause when you get back you'll be too busy trackin' your cooler down from Bear! An' chasin' Hobo for quote acknowledgements!!

    Stay safe,

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  12. #8
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    LOL. Bear will be easy to find. I'll just leave out a trail of scrap for bait.

    Far as Hobo, I'll just be sure to send a couple of uh...'dancers' with shiny metal on, to him an steal back my quote crown.

    Far as being safe, you know it. Lest you didn't ask me to be good, I can't make promises on that.

    Sirscrapalot - Do what ever you do intensely. - Robert Henri

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  14. #9
    ilyaz's Avatar
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    How heavy are they? So, for instance, here's one being offered for free, so I am just curious how many extra pairs of hands I would need to carry it out?

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Can't help ya on weight. One I'm thinking about picking up isn't fancy like the one you posted Ilyaz. This one is a wood one.

    Here's one shot of the one was I curious about Bear!

    Will put more pics when I get back if it's still available.

    Good luck to the OP an anyone else looking into a organ. (That felt weird to write...)

    Sirscrapalot - Off to get a tire for the van, an get ready for the trip tomorrow.

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  17. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Can't help ya on weight. One I'm thinking about picking up isn't fancy like the one you posted Ilyaz. This one is a wood one.

    Here's one shot of the one was I curious about Bear!

    Will put more pics when I get back if it's still available.

    Good luck to the OP an anyone else looking into a organ. (That felt weird to write...)

    Sirscrapalot - Off to get a tire for the van, an get ready for the trip tomorrow.
    Looks identical to the one we have at our church. Baldwin C630T built in the 1970's, great sounding organ if it still works ok, full range of instruments depending on how switches are moved. "C" in model number designates church organ, "T" I think designates transposer switch. Ours is wired for external speakers (5 total) and has transistorized amp inside. Organ configuration does allow for internal or external speaker use.These are big and heavy will take 3-4 guys to load in a vehicle. Foot pedals can be removed as an assembly just be careful to not damage the foot pedal switches. Would be a shame to see something like this get scrapped, Baldwin went bankrupt in 1983 and was acquired by Gibson Guitar in 2001 but no longer in production.
    As a driver I'm always sober, but my truck is always ready to get loaded

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Thanks Bejak! I don't intend to scrap it. It's free to a good home for a donation. Figured I'd be saving it from some one scrapping it. Either give it a good home, or find it one. I appreciate the info! Once I'm back from my weekend trip I plan to nab it if its still available. Will let ya folks know what develops from it.

    An thanks op for making this thread! Sorry to kind of have hijacked it, but lest we're talking about organs!

    Sirscrapalot - Has no talent with instruments.

  20. #13
    ryanw's Avatar
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    Some older organs have palladium wires in them. I can't advise on it, but I know it's something to look into. Search GRF for more information.

    Last edited by ryanw; 12-19-2013 at 07:09 AM.

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  22. #14
    jennija is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Love this forum! Just got an organ myself free from CL after reading this! I don't know brand, ect, getting it on sunday and will let you know!

  23. #15
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    Also beware that some have "Leslie" speakers which can have value on their own. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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