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Battery Cables

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  1. #1
    Yunkman started this thread.
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    Battery Cables

    Wondering what you guys do with battery cable ends...(the lead part). I keep the copper cable of course and cut the lead off but is it worth it to remove the ferrous bolt and prepare it as clean lead? Dirty lead isn't worth much more than shred where I'm at. I've thrown them in the prepared iron before. Similar question with cutting copper off a brass coupler or flare end. If left on, does it affect price? Thanks

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  3. #2
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    I sell the lead to a local guy that melts it for fishing weights. To me it is worth the two seconds to separate copper from brass.

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  5. #3
    doyousmellit's Avatar
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    I just bury them in my yard for a "rainy day". Haha joking I clean em and turn them in at 10c a pound when the buckets full

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  7. #4
    Yunkman started this thread.
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    Depending on your local prices, doyousmellit, that might be awful close to prepared iron price. It is here, and that's why I usually throw them on the next load of prepared, or leave them in the car I cut them out of.

  8. #5
    sawmilleng's Avatar
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    It seems to me that there are people looking for decently clean lead for bullets. Maybe Mech will post some links to the old discussions about this. There is supposed to be a decent market on eBay for lead ingots. Much better than shred.


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  10. #6
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunkman View Post
    Wondering what you guys do with battery cable ends...(the lead part). I keep the copper cable of course and cut the lead off but is it worth it to remove the ferrous bolt and prepare it as clean lead? Dirty lead isn't worth much more than shred where I'm at. I've thrown them in the prepared iron before. Similar question with cutting copper off a brass coupler or flare end. If left on, does it affect price? Thanks
    If you know that dirty lead is about the same as shred then do you know the price for clean lead? If you do then you will know if it's worth it or not. If it were me I would remove the bolt and clean it up. I get .50# for clean lead.

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  12. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunkman View Post
    Wondering what you guys do with battery cable ends...(the lead part). I keep the copper cable of course and cut the lead off but is it worth it to remove the ferrous bolt and prepare it as clean lead? Dirty lead isn't worth much more than shred where I'm at. I've thrown them in the prepared iron before. Similar question with cutting copper off a brass coupler or flare end. If left on, does it affect price? Thanks
    I'm reading this as in the battery cable lead (sounded: LEED.), not as in (atomic symbol: Pb). My experience with most jumper cable sets is to cut the cable at the leads and strip it or turn it in as ins. wire. Lead (Pb) is a completely different animal, which I've made much on selling for scrap as long as it is clean.
    Last edited by DWJ; 01-12-2014 at 11:49 PM.

  13. #8
    doyousmellit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunkman View Post
    Depending on your local prices, doyousmellit, that might be awful close to prepared iron price. It is here, and that's why I usually throw them on the next load of prepared, or leave them in the car I cut them out of.
    Nah. Prepared here is 4 a pound on a good day unless you want to drive about 70 miles to sell

  14. #9
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    I had a little cast iron skillet with a steel plate welded over about 2/3 of the pan, that someone had made to melt lead in. After many years of laying out with some other old metal the weld had rusted a good bit. While burning brush a couple years ago I filled it with lead battery cable ends and using a metal rod through the handle set it over into the hot coals. After awhile the steel plate had came plum off and the lead was simply molten in the bottom of the pan.
    I was very careful the whole time to stay up wind and not breath any of the hot fumes.
    The metal bolts were floating on top of the melted lead, along with a bunch of steel rings. Each of those battery clamps had a steel ring inside the lead part that went around to where the bolt goes through

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