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CPU Heatsink

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  1. #1
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    CPU Heatsink

    Ok, this one really got me burning,

    I brought in 290lbs of heatsinks, CPU Heatsinks, extruded. On the motherboard there are heatsinks on the northbridge but that is not extruded that is die cast when they have tab on either corners,

    but My issues I was told the heatsink with the for example intel 775 heatsink with the copper slug in the middle, I remove the copper and the bracket and only thing left is the heatsink, I was told it was are You Ready.. Milled. alumninum. and I'm like what.. no its not. oh I was told its milled,

    and I asked him, show Me how they can mill these round heatsink, with fins all the way around with a hole in the middle for the copper slug.

    and then he pointed out another milled item, Heatsinks for AMD socket a and am2 and am3 are also milled, I'm like looking at him.. and saying are You smoking sumthing, so he showed Me a letter from a company I will not diclose it here, and they said these are all milled,

    I say extruded he says milled, so I contact My guy on the phone with him next to me and I asked him to send Me pictures of heatsinks extruded heatsink and
    he sent me the same pic that I brought in.. and he says Extruded and then on another pic. he showed die cast and them are the one with the tabs on either end that are usally held in place by a plastic prong and spring,

    so. Has anyone run into this,

    Your input would be greatly appreciated because I'm going to take this info that I get from You guys input and proved to him where he sending it is ripping him off.

    Thanks. PS pics of what you consider is extruded and milled and die cast along with your post will solidifty this theroy. Thanks.
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  2. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I would think the labor cost involved would make this milled theory BS, as we are dealing with thousands of heat sinks instead of one's and two's. Here is a quote from a company that makes the machines.
    For the milling of all Heatsinks - Aluminum Heat sink, Copper Heatsink, Extruded Heatsink and virtually any heat sink or thermal management device with ultra high speed – DATRON High-Speed CNC Machining Centers are the ideal choice. Modifying or customizing extruded heatsinks is easy with our probing capability where small sections of heatsink fins can be milled away making a custom heatsink for placement in electronics and electrical devices.
    Being there is another step or two involved in the process then their price should be higher than the extruded. Here extruded is my highest price of alum.
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  4. #3
    TheDude80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcscrapper View Post
    Ok, this one really got me burning,

    I brought in 290lbs of heatsinks, CPU Heatsinks, extruded. On the motherboard there are heatsinks on the northbridge but that is not extruded that is die cast when they have tab on either corners,

    but My issues I was told the heatsink with the for example intel 775 heatsink with the copper slug in the middle, I remove the copper and the bracket and only thing left is the heatsink, I was told it was are You Ready.. Milled. alumninum. and I'm like what.. no its not. oh I was told its milled,

    and I asked him, show Me how they can mill these round heatsink, with fins all the way around with a hole in the middle for the copper slug.

    and then he pointed out another milled item, Heatsinks for AMD socket a and am2 and am3 are also milled, I'm like looking at him.. and saying are You smoking sumthing, so he showed Me a letter from a company I will not diclose it here, and they said these are all milled,

    I say extruded he says milled, so I contact My guy on the phone with him next to me and I asked him to send Me pictures of heatsinks extruded heatsink and
    he sent me the same pic that I brought in.. and he says Extruded and then on another pic. he showed die cast and them are the one with the tabs on either end that are usally held in place by a plastic prong and spring,

    so. Has anyone run into this,

    Your input would be greatly appreciated because I'm going to take this info that I get from You guys input and proved to him where he sending it is ripping him off.

    Thanks. PS pics of what you consider is extruded and milled and die cast along with your post will solidifty this theroy. Thanks.
    One of the local yards I frequent tried telling me they were sheet aluminum lol...needless to say I didn't end up selling them at that location.

  5. #4
    ryanw's Avatar
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    There is a gentleman that I talked to that works for sims metal management, but used to work for sims recycling solutions (sims sister ewaste company). Anyway, he told me those heatsinks were extruded. Nothing else to back this up for you though.

  6. #5
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    The guy still insist that these are milled heatsink, Alter is the company that is telling him that these are not extruded. they are Milled Alter is locacted in Omaha Ne. I just don't get it,

    So I gave him the info that you mention Mech.. and basically he blew Me off... says I'm not buying them they are milled not extruded. and he hung up. what a bone..

  7. #6
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    that sucks but I guess take it to another yard i never had had a problem with the ext alu but sometimes with the rad style since its light weight copper they hesitate so I bring in smaller amounts to offset it in there minds but ya plugs I pull to save cause a 5gal bucket full is dinner and bar time with friends lol

  8. #7
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    UNLESS it was a HIGH END aftermarket heatsink (SOME of those WERE milled)...but you should be able to tell the difference....look up the brand name of the heatsink and it will give you the answer. Generally you will find those highend ones with an EXTREMELY heavy base. I was here for the enthusiast phase of computers where heat was a REAL issue and I didn't want to mess with watercooling.

  9. #8
    pcscrapper started this thread.
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    Check out My Facebook, I build Liquid Cooled Systems, Its non conductive and non corrosive and safe if it leaks..

  10. #9
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Pcscrapper...I have noth I ng against water cooling...just alot easier these days with the stock off the shelf closed units...I have an antec closed unit one for my cpu in my main machine back then it was a pita to build and maintain..and rwally these days with 20nm and below...heat is not NEARLY an issue...I have a quad core i7 and 16gb of ram, ssd drive and other stuff in an all aluminum cube case for I stance.

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  12. #10
    TheRecycleGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcscrapper View Post
    Check out My Facebook, I build Liquid Cooled Systems, Its non conductive and non corrosive and safe if it leaks..

    my buddy.. PC... so i didnt get much for Christmas yaknow and umm.. one of them custom liq cooline schindig's would be suuuppppperrr nice

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