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Strange Karma

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Strange Karma

    Okay, as priorities change a call to scrap two farms came in. The intent is to prepare my sons for this business. After reviewing the scrap on the farms, he wants to show me his bank. He wants it scrapped, vaults, safes, etc. The safe is from a time period before they made vaults. It has evidence of a break in, but re-welded. T hen he wants to show me something else. A hand crank printing press, printer drawers, stamps including pictures and letters in numerous fonts. 100 yrs. plus old. The printing press is at least 1,000 pds. It includes the printer box cabinets made out of oak. I wish I could share pictures, but I did not have light in the building. It is now a mid-western ghost town. Any interested parties? I do not have time. No promises, just told the owner I would share the information.

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  3. #2
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    I sure wish it was close to me, but I can't go on a road trip demo right now. Banks are great but that vault is going to be TOUGH. I've done a couple of them and they had 5/8 rebar in a 6 inch square pattern that wrapped the whole thing. It took my crew a while with the 5,000 lb ball to break the concrete out, then torch the rebar. Thanks for sharing.

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  5. #3
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    Patriot PM me want to at least talk about the printers stuff.
    As a driver I'm always sober, but my truck is always ready to get loaded

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  7. #4
    Damotademon7's Avatar
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    That printer sounds like it may be worth a lot to a collector.

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