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how do ya like that?!

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  1. #1
    jennija started this thread.
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    how do ya like that?!

    Went to my local Gerdau to bring in a load, lots of aluminm, a lot of wire, brass, a lot of #2 copper and, a not so large amount (a walmart bag full) of bare bright copper. when I was turning it all in at the shop door I gave the guy the copper separately, and he weighed them separately just like always. When I went into the office and got my ticket, I saw that it was all paid out under number two price! and all under one weight!!!

  2. #2
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    That's when ya gotta ask : ) I went to mine one monday mornin and the regular scale guy musta had a hangover that day cause another guy was running the scale. I don't really go enough to keep up with anybody there anyway, but he said to put the extruded on with the sheet. Luckily I had called, and at least remembered the price of extruded. Looking at my receipt there wasn't an extruded price there, so I asked. After a couple questions from them to ascertain I well knew the difference, she walked me right out there and we began looking for the bin where they'd placed it. They didn't know, and neither did I. Another point here is always check weights(if possible) of each item, which I had failed to do, or maybe I had but didn't bring the notes. Anyway, she took me back inside and gave me a few bucks for the difference. All along there I was saying you don't really gotta do that, but she insisted

  3. #3
    ScrappinRed's Avatar
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    Each yard has different classes. My yard does not buy bare bright, only #1 (thicker than a pencil lead and clean with no solder), #2 (all other clean copper, including "tin" coated copper and copper with solder joints). Ask them next time before they weigh it in what it will all be classed as.

    ***I guess Bear and I were posting at the same time!
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  4. #4
    cebuscrapbuyer's Avatar
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    It always happen when thenscale guy aren't actually into the business. I always ask whether he knew the diffirences of the materials and their prices. Most of them are honest though

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  6. #5
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    I always verify whats in each bucket as I hand it to the scale guy.

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  8. #6
    Gravitar's Avatar
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    Always check your reciept weights and commodoties before you leave the yard. One time the guy who was running the scale "accidentially" marked my 145 lbs of clean aluminum as 14 lbs clean ACR. I almost left but checked the reciept and noticed their mistake. I went back and after some cross checking with the scale guy, I got the $60 they owed me. Always check your reciept before you leave, because if you go back after you leave the property, the yard guys will probably "forget" what you brought in.
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  10. #7
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    I usually deal with one yard, and am well known by all, and never an issue..they even have a nic-name for me. This past Saturday I went with me sister and her b/f to a neighboring city, and needed a few extra bucks. I didn't take much, but took a few things just to try out the new yard. I have been wanting to anyways. Really nice set up they have and nice prices too. I had about 12 different things to weigh in, and my bro-in-law-to-be had 4 or 5. In my lot I had clean ext, unclean ext, clean sheet, unclean sheet. As well as a lot of other things. He only had clean sheet and dirty ext. Some how they got his dirty ext and mine mixed up. The reason I noticed is because I had 35 lbs and he had 135lbs. When I received my cash I noticed I had about 50 more than what I had expected. I knew either someone screwed up or they were paying REALLY GREAT prices. Before I could even check my reciept, and figure out what happened, he was already saying something was wrong. He had about 50 less than expected. We talked to the payer and figured out what happened, then went out to the scale and talked to the scale guy. It was a simple and honest mistake, but it could have been costly for someone not paying attention. They quickly corrected the problem, and printed new reciepts, and I handed my bro-in-law-tp-be the 53 dollars difference (for those of you not wanting to do the math, that's 53 cents a lb for unclean ext.). My local yard only pays 48 a lb for unclean ext. As a bonus they gave us 10 dollars each. When we asked what for they pointed to a sign on the wall behind us.

    "We gaurantee 100% accurancy, or we will GIVE YOU $10.00"

    I think I will re-visit that yard again in the future.

    Someone on here may have heard of them, its a national chain....

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