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If I worked at a scrapyard.. I'd go INSANE!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    sledge started this thread.
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    If I worked at a scrapyard.. I'd go INSANE!

    Ok.. so this has happened so many times.. but today iced the cake for me. As I drag in my pittance to the yards from time to time.. I always just look at what is around me. Today I was at one of my yards dragging in a small bit of sheet steel and in front of me is a truck and trailer hauling a Chrysler Concord. Aluminum Rims, 2 good tires, never been touched (i.e. no converter off, no wiring out, no battery or other engine goodies) How Do I know? THEY DROVE IT OFF THE TRAILER!

    I facepalmed so hard I nearly knocked myself out! I even told the guy at the pay shed- "I could never work here.. I'd go INSANE watching people bring things in that with just a TINY bit of effort they could have made a BUNCH of extra money." He just laughed.. knowing he just made a killing!

    Occupational hazard I suppose.
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

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  3. #2
    TheScrapper1's Avatar
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    :facepalm: tell me about it , two weeks ago I saw two guys around their 20's dump metal and about 100lbs or so of aluminum sheets from a taken apart shed. And even some water pumps about 7 of them . they did not know those sell separate . Prob could have gotten twice of what he got for the steel for the aluminum and electric motors , man oh man, all I could do was just watch as the workers took all the good stuff from the scrap pile

  4. #3
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    try following people like this to the gas station. a lot of the crappy scrappies go straight to a gas station for fuel or smokes. maybe you can make a deal to buy stuff from them

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    TheScrapper1's Avatar
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    Matt few times I have done that but then when I get to the scrap yard theres no telling what crappy scrappie might come in to throw goodies like that , heck ive seen them throw a whole half car without wire being cut , once I took out a 10lbs brass radiator off an old truck

  7. #5
    jghilino's Avatar
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    the yard dosent like it when your in the line to get in and your offering to buy stuff from other poeple, what i do is tell them what i want and hand them a business card and walk away, over the years i have acquired quite a few regulars doing that
    I buy and sell all types of scrap and escrap. I buy specialty and hard to sell escrap. I buy resale items. PM me or contact me at

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  9. #6
    sledge started this thread.
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    Both of us had already weighed in and were off the scale.. Around here- offering to buy anything off that car once inside the yard.. would have gotten me my butt handed to me and possibly banned from the yard. Nothing I could do.. except watch in disbelief! These were 1 time guys.. they told me how that trailer is used for hauling a tractor and they have never had a car on it (that was the reason they didn't want the guy using the claw to take the car off- afraid he would damage their trailer) They had said they were going to "Roll it off" when one of the guys STARTED the car and DROVE it off.. I nearly dropped a deuce right then and there.

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  11. #7
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    One time I was in line at the scales and on the weigh out side I see a woman standing on the scale. She drove a chevy astro van to the yard to scrap. I know because she had a friend there to pick her up.

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  13. #8
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    On the light side, there's a local scrapper who I witnessed in the scrap yard. He'd brought a load in and then his old pickup wouldn't start. He left it there and I was told later that he just sold it on the spot and bought another one from them to continue hauling. They said he's done that before. That's called Getting The Most from a Vehicle. I've seen quite a number of vehicles driven in and sold for scrap / complete. If they're resellable, the yard parks them out back and advertises them on their posterboard AS IS. There's a 2002 GMC 2500HD 4X4 right now for under $2000. Engine and tranny are needs a wheel bearing and a drive shaft, windshield, tailgate and front grill....oh yes, and a good cleanup. I'm sure a guy would have $3500 or more in to it to get it running. They took the gastank out but didn't get it sold so it's detached.

  14. #9
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    I meant to talk to them off the property about buying stuff from them in the future

  15. #10
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    I once went to the landfill and an 800 Got Junk truck pulled up next to me. They dumped an entire full load of metal, including copper fittings, romex wire, and other goodies. Dumped several hundred dollars worth of metal and paid the dump fees to do it.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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  16. #11
    ScrapperSkip's Avatar
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    It's crazy what you see at the yard. Just today there were solid brass candle holders laying in the shred pile.

  17. #12
    newattitude's Avatar
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    I've stood in the back of my truck unloading my bins watching a guy in a truck throw whole snow blowers and weed wackers and chainsaws in the dumpster. I walked in at my turn and told the yard guy I can't believe he just did that and he snickered knowing it was driving me crazy
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

  18. #13
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    Several times at my local yard, I've seen the workers at the lower side/shred pile unloading a truck or trailer and tell the owner to leave things on the truck. When asked why, they said, take these items to the upper yard and weigh them separately for more money. They will even tell them the difference between a window a/c or brass radiators and steel. Most people say thank you and take their items and weight ticket to the scale. Some others say just dump it off anyway, it's not that much.

  19. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurlyGuys View Post
    I once went to the landfill and an 800 Got Junk truck pulled up next to me. They dumped an entire full load of metal, including copper fittings, romex wire, and other goodies. Dumped several hundred dollars worth of metal and paid the dump fees to do it.
    Don't they advertise that they recycle as much of their material as possible too?

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  21. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapping4ever View Post
    Don't they advertise that they recycle as much of their material as possible too?

    "It’s not just junk to us! We do our best to donate and recycle as much as we can. Since 1989, we’ve saved over 1.5 billion pounds of junk from the landfill, and counting."

    Full-Service Junk Removal Company 1-800-GOT-JUNK?

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  23. #16
    bluemeate's Avatar
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    i pulled a bike out the pile and thrw it in my truck
    the yard guy saw me
    i just watched like 5 bikes get bulldozed maybe a minute prior
    my downhill buddy has been looking for a rigid mtb to turn into a city commuter and i found it
    and the yard guy was insistant that i throw the bike back in the pile
    i just played dumb like i didnt know spanish and insist the bike was mine
    the guy almost didnt sign my tag and i was ready to just drive out of there with the $200 bike
    i mean i only had like 20 dollars in steel, i was just making room in my truck.

    on a side note i ended up coming home with 8 bikes, glad i made the room
    3 car batteries too
    collecting san joses scrap

  24. #17
    searcyarkansasscrapper's Avatar
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    You got lucky bluemeate. Taking anything from the piles at the yards around here its considered theft. There are no questions asked whatsoever. The police get called right away and you get banned from the yard for life plus receive a theft of property charge. I've seen it happen several times while i have been at the yards. Once it is dropped on the pile it is their property and they prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

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  26. #18
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapping4ever View Post
    Don't they advertise that they recycle as much of their material as possible too?
    Yes they do. If they did this I wonder what else they are throwing out.

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  28. #19
    oldtruck's Avatar
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    you guys would have a heart attack looking at the shred pile in this area ,.....scrap and what it's worth, peaple are totaly oblivios in this area ,.....knowlegde is power and in alot of cases ,the power goes to the knowlegdable scrap yard owner

    i often see untouched fridges ,air conditioners ,computers ,and totally fixable cars .....i once got chewed out for telling a guy he had a cat he was ready to throw in shred scrapyard is honest ,but not stupid ,......if you ask them they'll tell you what your stuff is worth and are honest ,....but if you don't ask ,they don't tell .........guess buyer beware extends to seller beware in the scrap industry

    on a positive note ,i've dealt with yards that will deliberatly lie to you if you don't know ,my yard will at least be honest if you ask ......and they do pull out alot of stuff for further seperation or reselling as repurposed , guys would cry if you seen some of the cars they get in ,here in pa. we have strict inspection laws and eyesore laws ,....peaple can't afford to keep cars or get them legal so they wind up scrapping them alot just to get rid of them ......i saved a 2003 police edition crown vic the other day,....ran good but needed emissions and inspection ,a few phone calls and my friend bought it to fix it and drive it

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  30. #20
    MattInTheHat's Avatar
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    Sounds like some of you could pick things up, pay full shred price, and still make a killing. lol

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