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Why is it when a gasoline vehicle blows smoke, they get a ticket for excessive smoke, but a diesel can blow it all day long without even a warning? (or is this just my opinion? ; )
Its all what comes out after combustion. My 99 cummins diesel runs cleaner than a honda civic of the same year. Or even a few years newer. The bad stuff that comes out of a gasoline engine is alot more polluting. Also a gas engine blowing smoke is burning oil, coolant, other crap. Stuff it shouldnt be burning. A diesel blowing smoke is just unburnt fuel. Dont get me wrong both are pollutants but diesels are muuuch cleaner.
If its excessive in a diesel you can also get a ticket. Trust me... I know lol and it was a truck I was road testing! With an injector stuck open! Cop gave me a break cause my dad knows him from towing.