So I have a honda civic for sale. I had a guy text me asking about it. He says $200 tonight. I kindly say no thanks I can scrap it for more. Cats off this honda I get over $100 for. (I did a few months ago, may have gone down since PM prices have dropped)
So he replys "lmao tops $30 for honda cats. Iv been at this for years" im thinkin is this guy for real? I said well im sorry to hear that, your not getting enough. He replys again with "lmao bro those are $30 cats"
So I send him this. The FIRST price list I find. Min for honda cat, 60 USD. Thats about 67 CND
He replys "lmao bro $50 tops in north america. Thats wrong"
He thinks the price list is lieing!! Lmao some people are just nuts. I think he got a little butt hurt that hes been getting ripped on prices for cats. I just stopped answering this whack job.