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My local yard a while back stopped accepting computer fans. - Page 2

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  1. #21
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    I haven't tried taking fans to my local yard as of yet, but I've been hanging on to most of them. I leave most of the power supply fans on the case for shred weight. Once I get enough to fill a large flat rate box, they're going on eBay as a mixed lot just to see what they bring. I figure a bulk assorted lot will be easier and less time consuming than listing them individually.

  2. #22
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RustnGrease View Post
    I haven't tried taking fans to my local yard as of yet, but I've been hanging on to most of them. I leave most of the power supply fans on the case for shred weight. Once I get enough to fill a large flat rate box, they're going on eBay as a mixed lot just to see what they bring. I figure a bulk assorted lot will be easier and less time consuming than listing them individually.
    Let us know how it goes. Im interested to see if anyone buys them.
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
    Barrie, Ontario.

  3. #23
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Mine go in my transformer/motor bucket, I don't know who would trust a fan that has run it's lifespan in another computer and is just waiting to die.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  5. #24
    Kochy started this thread.
    Kochy's Avatar
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    Yeah your right, but for my situation with the overclocking, the case has 7 fans in it, those are good fans and I would set up some server fans like around the desk and make the like a mini wind tunnel in my desk lol. If one blows, just replace it with another one.
    Owner/Operator @ Stepside Recycling & Refurbishing co.

  6. #25
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    When I use them for trade fodder, the folks I trade/exchange with, know they came out of scrapped items. If the stuff worked before I trashed it, I let them know that. Most of the fans I have are in good order. I take them from everything that has one. Again the nice looking ones get saved. If they look trashed, dirty, or I'm not confident in the looks, I toss in the pile that my yard buys from me. I win either way. I either get paid (more then shred) or I get other items/goods I can use in swap.

    Trading is a fun time for me. I usually make out like a bandit when I do trades, an not just with the fans. YMMV

    Sirscrapalot - Always looking for another outlet besides the yard, or the accursed an life sapping entity known as Ebay. - Unknown, so we'll go with..Me.

  7. #26
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    I just got electric motor price for fans today, .34# takes alot to make a lbs but I just throw them in with the motors.

  8. #27
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    wow .34/lb for electric motors! I'm getting $.15 and I bring in at least 100lbs at a time and its a good mix of all diff types. I was told any motor with a board on it-i.e printers where the connections are the small boards aren't allowed anymore but they did take mine.

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