Picked up 4 fax machines and 1 copier. Here's the tear down pics. These older ones have nice boards but lots of plastic. Also had 2 chucks of brass. brass flywheel and brass bracket.
Picked up 4 fax machines and 1 copier. Here's the tear down pics. These older ones have nice boards but lots of plastic. Also had 2 chucks of brass. brass flywheel and brass bracket.
Last edited by copycat; 03-02-2014 at 12:01 AM.
Thanks for the pictures, I have one to take apart similar to those and now I know what to look for!!
Nice pics but I think you will be better served not breaking them down. Do the math, the boards and brass you get from the machines do not get more than the overall weight.
Depends on your situation, my yards will not take anything with a circuit board, and downgrade to dirty price if there is to much plastic.
My fortune cookie said:
You discover treasures where others see nothing unusual.
Love those fax machines! And I see you don't waste your java containers either. Great for those little bits. Thanks for the pics.
I love tearing those down, you never know what you're going to find.
I do find myself repeating to myself at times though, ''how fricking many tiny screws REALLY are needed to hold one little board in place.''
thanks for the pics!
Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''
i tear them down and its a bit fun as i use the whack and grab method i have gotten good at like chiseling stone lol so i get the goodies like motors steel wire boards and gears and just break it down enough for the yard to accept since they do not buy them whole cause of plastic. the ink though is what makes it well worth picking them up it makes them average $3 that way.
those heavy duty motors are the stepper type. They can adjust different speeds. You will see a bunch of wires going to them. I sell these motors on ebay for robots, cnc, hobbies. Get a box of them and ship in flat rate box. The large motor I tear down and remove the copper. It is very easy. Yes I save all my screws and little metal pieces. I will love to see the scrap yard faces and when bring a truck load of screws.
well the green boards are what medium to hi grade and the others are low grade , I box up the green boards, put the motors in a bucket, but I don't know what to do with the laser board spindal part. I have several laser printers but don't know what to do with the laser board. I just in my other post picked up like 8 big office copy fax machines and many small office home all in one printers,.... none of these are considered telecoms I guess... by the way can someone tell me if the office phones boards are telecom lol I need to research that.
I usually do the same thing, and tear apart large fax/copiers of that size and larger.
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