I've only been doing this for less then 3 years, but if there is one thing I could pass on to folks trying to get the upper hand on the competition, it would be to take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves. Having a sense of urgency when customers call/text (even after dinner or later) has secured some nice loads and repeat customers.
Looking at Craigslist early Friday morning I stumbled on a post for scrap Jeep parts a couple of mile away. These (Free Clist) are hit or miss with usually a miss and when I didn't hear back in a few hours I wrote it off. Well Saturday I'm eating lunch and the phone rings with Jeep on on the other end. He asked if I was interested and I said I could be there in 10 minutes if that worked for him...Lunch can wait.
Jeep parts have less then 60k miles on them and are showing Green numbers on
Ebay so not really scrap...fine by me.
He then says, "Do you like copper?". I just say "Anything metal, anything that plugs in...except old tv's". Well he had several Line Conditioners for high end electronics but two of them work so not much scrap there either...oh well.
So I'm about to thank him and he looks at the bench where the Jeep parts where and say's I forgot the wrenches there, he doesn't need them anymore. From Harbor Freight but no complaints here.
I was grateful for the nice load and he was happy to get the stuff out of the way because he was moving. I gave him a card and he said he wished he had called me first because the last two guys kept him waiting for 4 hours.
Seize the Moment!