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Supposedly hit a clients car last night.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    crownvicscrapper started this thread.
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    Unhappy Supposedly hit a clients car last night.

    I pick up two appliances ( washer , stove) last night at about midnight from someone I've been exchanging emails with from craigslist. He left them out at the start of his driveway for me. I made 2 trips, put 1 in the truck each time.

    I got this email this morning

    Today at 8:01 AM
    Hi ____

    Firstly thank you for picking up the appliances. Unfortunately I am now regretting it. My neighbour was knocking my door at 630 this morning asking me who moved the appliances. By following the tracks of your dolly, you or your helper obviously hit my neighbours car & scratched it. Not good. I would appreciate it if you came and talked to my neighbour to smooth out the situation as soon as possible.
    Please be more careful in the future as I am going to assume that I will be the one footing the bill for this carelessness ?

    Thank you

    I didn't hit anyone's car with anything - nor was I ever even close to his Neighbor's car. - How would a scrapyard gentleman approach a situation like this? I dont just want to never reply.

  2. #2
    gamedayron's Avatar
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    Word of advice - when doing anything without the customer present or for that matter with them present or not take pictures of fragile items close to you and take pics of damage that were previously there what it sounds like to me is the neighbor wants a free repair to what was already damaged and guess what you'll probably have to pay for it cause you have no poor otherwise - you can never be too careful with people nowadays

  3. #3
    gamedayron's Avatar
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    Proof otherwise*

  4. #4
    Mick's Avatar
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    Have it investigated. The damage to their vehicle can be matched to any (or lack of) damage to yours.
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  5. #5
    TheScrapper1's Avatar
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    IF you did hit the car the appliances must show the color in their car and their cars color in the appliances you got show evidence

  6. #6
    Swampy's Avatar
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    That sucks. Hope it works out without a lot of BS. People will try anything for a free ride. Good luck & let us know.

  7. #7
    ryanw's Avatar
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    Are you insured? If so, turn it over to your insurance company, and the guy will probably drop it.

    If not, be prepared to go to small claims court.

  8. #8
    crownvicscrapper started this thread.
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    I didn't hit it with the car- I could scratched it with one of the appliances but I remember not even being close to either of the cars.

  9. #9
    TheRecycler's Avatar
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    A couple of things, never go to a pick up after dark, the potential for a host of things going wrong dramatically increase. Next, remain respectful and stand by your claim. The folks that gave you the appliances believe the neighbor without speaking to you, so much for due process. Keep a mental note of this person and ever go back their regardless of what they are getting rid of and please, no more night pick ups. Nothing good happens after 7pm before daylight savings time.
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  10. #10
    jord0690's Avatar
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    What kind of damage was it? IF you hit it the damage would have to be a small dent or scratch on the doors or fenders, and at a hight that matches the appliances. If the damage is anywhere the appliance cant hit the guy is BSing you obviously. Id go and have a look anyways. And tell the guy you want it sent to a shop of your choice to get a quote, along with his quote. Also Tell him you want it all documented, with pictures and in writing what kind of damage was done. Perfectly reasonable for you to ask for that info. Make it alot of work for him to get any cash from you. He may get annoyed and not wanna deal with BS and drop it, especially if hes made up the whole incident.

    Iv seen people try and claim that we did stuff to their cars while towing it. We had a guy we towed for a DUI call and say we scratched his cars trunk lid with the magnetic tail lights. First off, we have a friggin flat bed, no need to have them. Second, we dont even own a set of mag lights. So my dad being the good business owner says "ok bring it up at this time and we will have a look." Guy agrees. Never shows. my dad knows he didnt do any sort of damage, calls him up and let him know how he really felt Guy was from hours away, playing at the casino and wasnt a customer of ours nor would he know anyone that would come to us, so my dad wasnt afrade to tell him off. I hate people who try and get a free ride.
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

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  12. #11
    RyanScrap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jord0690 View Post
    What kind of damage was it? IF you hit it the damage would have to be a small dent or scratch on the doors or fenders, and at a hight that matches the appliances. If the damage is anywhere the appliance cant hit the guy is BSing you obviously. Id go and have a look anyways. And tell the guy you want it sent to a shop of your choice to get a quote, along with his quote. Also Tell him you want it all documented, with pictures and in writing what kind of damage was done. Perfectly reasonable for you to ask for that info. Make it alot of work for him to get any cash from you. He may get annoyed and not wanna deal with BS and drop it, especially if hes made up the whole incident.

    Iv seen people try and claim that we did stuff to their cars while towing it. We had a guy we towed for a DUI call and say we scratched his cars trunk lid with the magnetic tail lights. First off, we have a friggin flat bed, no need to have them. Second, we dont even own a set of mag lights. So my dad being the good business owner says "ok bring it up at this time and we will have a look." Guy agrees. Never shows. my dad knows he didnt do any sort of damage, calls him up and let him know how he really felt Guy was from hours away, playing at the casino and wasnt a customer of ours nor would he know anyone that would come to us, so my dad wasnt afrade to tell him off. I hate people who try and get a free ride.
    Pretty sucky situation to be in. It would be hard for me to accept them accusing you without any witnesses.

    Going along with the repair may be the right thing to do, but if he has no evidence that it was you, and you know it was not you then
    why should you have to do anything, but deny it happening?

    It is kind of stupid accusations can be thrown around without any witnesses, and then you end up with a bill for something you did not
    even cause.

    Hell the person you picked up the junk from could have hit the car while he was bringing it out, and then blamed it on you.

    Pretty sad situation. If they had no witnesses, and I know for a fact it was not me... I would just tell him you did not do it and let it go.

    At the very least... if you do go and talk with the neighbor start taking pictures, ask for his insurance, drivers license, and put a little indirect pressure on him to drop the issue. Talk to him about filing a police report for the incident. See if he chickens out.

    I have had this happen before (fender bender), and the biggest mistake you could make is claiming you are at fault.
    Last edited by RyanScrap; 03-05-2014 at 12:51 PM.

  13. #12
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    I re-read your posting. It said your customer traced the tracks of your dolly into his neighbors car, was there snow on the ground? Also says you or your helper....did you have someone with you and if so did you ask them if it was possible they may have hit the guys car? Maybe since it was dark, it wasn't noticed or may have seemed like such an inadvertent thing that it wasn't given much thought.

    I would go back and see for yourself what damage there is. See if it was possible that the damage was caused by you or your helper. You had a couple of things not in your favor....darkness, tight space and cold which probably made you try to work quicker to get warm again.

    This guy may be a one time customer, but if he was going to refer you to a relative or a neighbor for more pick ups he may think twice about it if you avoid the situation. I hope it works out in your favor, please keep us posted.
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  15. #13
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Ever think the neighbor pulled his car to where the tracks were then said look the tracks go right up to my car? I bet the tracks went right up to your truck then he pulled his car there trying to get a freebie.

  16. #14

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    As a professional you must go talk to the neighbor like if it was you and your ignored. Not a good look or reputation. IMHO go look then react. It's hear say right now. Ijs

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  18. #15
    Russell's Avatar
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    This is why you insure yourself properly and incorporate yourself.

    If that was me I would tell them I will have to file with my insurance. Insurance companies investigate situations like that and with out solid proof he would have nothing to stand on.

    Live and learn.

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  20. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Ever think the neighbor pulled his car to where the tracks were then said look the tracks go right up to my car? I bet the tracks went right up to your truck then he pulled his car there trying to get a freebie.
    Also a possibility. That would be one screwed up person with nothing better to do on a cold night after midnight. But then again burglars have been caught by following their tracks right to their own house in the snow!

  21. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russell View Post
    This is why you insure yourself properly and incorporate yourself.

    If that was me I would tell them I will have to file with my insurance. Insurance companies investigate situations like that and with out solid proof he would have nothing to stand on.

    Live and learn.
    Totally agree, but I think I would still show up as an act of good faith and good business and hear what the neighbor has to say in front of the customer. Then if no resolution is agreed on go the insurance route.

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