If anyone is wondering what a farm grain bin would weigh, this is an indication. Variances would be on the bushel size and/or the gauge of metal used. This picture is of two 1000 bushel grain bins with no floor. There was a 12 ft section of 6 inch pipe attached to each one (used for sticking an auger in for unloading). I ripped the roof off that was attached with each 3 foot section with a strap. The skidsteer was able to reach the top and allow that task. Once on the ground, I just folded the roof together in one piece (also with the skidsteer). Then I smashed the bin flat (doubled.. as it was round) and folded it like a tarp. Not a neat job, but I got it small enough to be a legal load. The two bins weighed 1.07 ton and was not a real profitable load, but it finished a job I'd started last summer and I like to 'wrap things up' and not leave the light stuff behind.
I'm sure that most of you guys/gals won't be encountering any of this stuff in downtown Manhattan or Boise Idaho, but this is the way it is out here in God's Country.
The 'Before' Picture taken last summer and the two bins loaded on the trailer today for the 'After' Picture.