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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    TheKid's Avatar
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    Scrapping & Saving

    I'm saving all about 85% of the money I earn for college right now becuase I have no other major expenses

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  3. #22
    lousypirate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRecycler View Post
    Look into a forgiveness program.
    There is no such thing as forgiveness for becoming an engineer.

  4. #23
    Steeltree's Avatar
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    I saved up everything from scrapping for two years. I called it my Hawaii money. Then we built a new house. Hawaii became just a dream......again.

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  6. #24
    TheRecycler started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by lousypirate View Post
    There is no such thing as forgiveness for becoming an engineer.
    You never know until you look. You will be surprise what's out there.
    Your Trash-My Cash
    Yours Truly, TheRecycler:

  7. #25
    TheRecycler started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheKid View Post
    I'm saving all about 85% of the money I earn for college right now becuase I have no other major expenses
    Sounds like a good plan, but do your research, college is not all that it's hyped up to be. Check out how many college graduate are waiting tables or bagging groceries to get by. Also look at how many students graduate compare to how many started. College is good and sound good, but knowing what I know now, I would have left college after I completed my bachelors degree.

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  9. #26
    TheRecycler started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steeltree View Post
    I saved up everything from scrapping for two years. I called it my Hawaii money. Then we built a new house. Hawaii became just a dream......again.
    Smart man. Plus, everything in Hawaii is so darn expensive anyway.

  10. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRecycler View Post
    Sounds like a good plan, but do your research, college is not all that it's hyped up to be. Check out how many college graduate are waiting tables or bagging groceries to get by. Also look at how many students graduate compare to how many started. College is good and sound good, but knowing what I know now, I would have left college after I completed my bachelors degree.
    Agreed. I'd have looked into learning a trade. My Masters degree let me earn good money but it's outdated. Learn a trade and you'll always be able to earn a living.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

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  12. #28
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    I started pouring $ into a 401K in my 20's.. in 2008.. it became a 201K with the market crash. How timely this came up as I am now working with a money manager to get all of my funds to be managed by him. I've done far better for myself- saving.. than the 401k/IRA route.. but this guy will work the IRA side and I'll continue to do what I do myself as well.

    My wife and I are both 37. I paid off both our college loans, we both drive vehicles with no payments, and the only debt we have and have had is our mortgage- which we just refinanced this past year to a 15 year. My house will be paid in full by age 51- that is if I don't add any additional principle here and there.

    I live a pretty boring life by most people's account. But everything I have- I worked for it, saved for it, bought smart and followed the rules. We don't drive BMW's, or live in a quarter million dollar house- but what we do have, we own and are proud of that fact.

    So any younger folks out there who are listening- it can be done, it takes sacrifice- it takes not buying a $50,000 truck when you can buy that same truck used a few years later and save over half. It means brown-bagging your lunch instead of eating out every day, it means- not getting your first house and letting the BANK "tell you what you can afford" It means not going out and putting $20,000 worth of furniture on a credit line for that new house you just bought. And last but not least, and this probably doesn't apply on this forum because we deal with people's discards, but don't ever EVER be afraid to take a job or part-time job that you would ever feel is "beneath you" If you want to stay ahead- check your pride at the door in this game of life.

    With a Bachelor's degree I have done the following- because I or my family needed it:
    Sold Car Stereo's at Circuit City
    Washed BMW's
    Parked Cars at Avis Rent-A-Car
    Cleaned office buildings
    DJ'd at a club
    Worked more than I can count Factory Jobs
    Stocked Shelves on the night shift at a Grocery Store
    Processed Microfiche

    All of them suc*ed.. but I've always been ahead, and never ever plan to be behind!
    Last edited by sledge; 03-07-2014 at 06:35 PM.
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

  13. #29
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    At 55 I see the error of my past . I was too carefree still I just wont give up !!
    I save silver and try to keep up with my inventory . But I think starting with 10% cash off the top even now will
    be better then nothing ,Some times I think I will work till I can't and that friends wont be a happy time .
    For now I sure know how to scrap and I am doing well with my new job .
    Last edited by Copper Head; 03-07-2014 at 07:05 PM.

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  15. #30
    TheRecycler started this thread.
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    Sledge, you are my hero. My wake up call didn't come to me until I was halfway done with my doctorate and I just got up one day I said f&$k it. Why am I killing myself for a degree that will take a lifetime to payoff, literally. Today, I'm so happy living a simple and relaxed life with that which matters most, my family. (Beautiful babe of a wife and our awesome gamer son)

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  17. #31
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    Hey, Copper Head! I'm right with you at 55, and looking forward to a decent retirement here in FL at 62. Student loans for my three kids and support for aging parents have put a toll on the finances for my wife and me, but we have been chipping away at the debt, and all school loans will be paid by summer. How? By putting away 10% for extra payment on loans and another 10% for retirement.
    Next step is all 20% to retirement.

    For the younger set, I recommend simple savings that you won't miss if 10% seems overwhelming. The average American pocket a dollar a day in change, and you will never miss that. Add five dollars of every scrap run per month, and you'll see $50 each month.

    Once you start seeing a return like this in a bank account or even a lockbox, you will feel relief and empowerment both. Savings will become a habit, and you will begin to find an extra few bucks a week going in. THEN start to deal with percentages and the like.

    Just my two cents! (Maybe I should have saved that!)

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  19. #32
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    I don't have savings. (Other than buckets of copper, brass, etc) Everything extra has been going to paying off the house. I'm on track to paying it off this year. Actually hoping for payoff by June, when I turn 36. Currently 2 years, 9 months into a 20 year mortgage. Decided I am tired of renting money and buckled down and got focused. With no life, no girlfriend/other distractions, I am almost there. While scrap definitely helped, the majority has come from selling stuff I no longer use. (Like Ramsey says, sell so much stuff the kids think they're next).

    I don't drive a "new" truck. Drive a pos Chevy full size 4x4 with nearly 200k. Bought it cheap and work it hard.

    I get my money's worth on clothes. I'm tough on them and make sure they are throughly worn out before tossing. Since I do most of my work from home I don't need to "look pretty". You should see my shredded Carhartt coat. Some guy commented a few days ago about how he'd never seen anyone wear a Carhartt out.

    In other news I have lost 110 lbs. Life is good.

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  21. #33
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    I usually sell my scrap then use that money to purchase inventory for markup in my shop. Good way to double the $$

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  23. #34
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    I went the route Mick tried to pound into his kids, thank you high school economics teacher... Thank you.
    EE Bonds, roth Ira, PM's,land,guns and a little in the market.
    weird when you buy a bond now how you don't actually get a physical piece of paper ?
    House debt is double payments every month it is possible.. Thank you high school economics teacher again!

    Need capital to win at Capitalism!
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  25. #35
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    TheRecycler: Well thanks for that. I toyed with the idea of getting my masters.. I was so burned out of school after my Bachelor's I never went back.. And I'm glad I didn't! I don't even use my Bachelor's in Marketing anymore except that it trained me to have a good business mind.. and I make slick ads, cards or door hangers to find scrap cars (HA!)

    I left the Corporate world in 2010- FOR GOOD. I loved my field.. but I disliked the people IN it. I worked for people who would accept nothing less than me lying, cheating and stealing- FOR THEM- To make a buck. When I refused.. I was promptly shown the door- on more than one occasion. Now I work for ME, and I have strived for that for a long time. I made a huge leap from Marketing to General Contracting.. I'm not arrogant- but I'm good at what I do. I realized when a neighbors roof project literally took over a year and a half for the contractor to show up and finish his work, and my own calling of guys who never called back or showed when they said they would- I thought "HA if I am honest, prompt, and show up- I'm ahead of 90% of the guys in this field" And I was right!

    I "hung my shingle" in 2010 and have not had a days rest in 4 years. Currently, my standing contract is with a duplex community with 185 units. About 5 months ago I was tapped by the owner to gut and re-do the warehouse and adjacent apartment, as well as renovate the existing office space.. so that is my gig at the moment. Because I am a 10-99 guy, I am FORCED to siphon off 20-25% of my invoice payments and put it in the bank.. when the tax man comes a knockin.. I always have the money there- some years that tax man wants more, sometimes less, but every year I always have more set back, than he has cometh for.. so it just gets used for retirement and a good amount of cash-flow available in case I need tools or supplies for the business!
    Last edited by sledge; 03-08-2014 at 03:32 PM.

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  27. #36
    TheRecycler started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    I try to set goals fro myself for instance 100lbs of wire per week or 200lbs of ewaste per week........That way I get a steady paycheck like a regular job
    Mike, I don't know if it's the law of average, but I'm blessed to turn it a full load every week and that's been steady. The way I go about things is to live below my mean so I don't have any stress or pressure of having to make any specific amount money. Whatever I make is always enough.

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  29. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRecycler View Post
    Mike, I don't know if it's the law of average, but I'm blessed to turn it a full load every week and that's been steady. The way I go about things is to live below my mean so I don't have any stress or pressure of having to make any specific amount money. Whatever I make is always enough.
    yea I buy most of my scrap then process it so I normally have tons of stuff to work on...........That being said whatever I break down that week is how much I turn in...........

  30. #38
    TheRecycler started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    yea I buy most of my scrap then process it so I normally have tons of stuff to work on...........That being said whatever I break down that week is how much I turn in...........
    I got in this business to enjoy a relax my time with my family. I scrap as easy as Sunday morning, and better yet, it's all free.

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  32. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRecycler View Post
    I got in this business to enjoy a relax my time with my family. I scrap as easy as Sunday morning, and better yet, it's all free.
    Everyone does it there own way..........I work on a % off the top of what I spend...........I don't take it as lightly probably as you do as I am in biz to make money..........Sounds like your way works for you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. #40
    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    Good thread for everyone to read, Thanks guys.

    My situation is different,. I work a full time job that gives great benefits for my family. And provides me with a great retirement plan. My scrapping was just a hobby(and still is). I started out only taking free things, and bought scrapping tools and more scrap with my profits. Its A different way of saving. Baby steps at first. I now have a full size truck, trailer, all the tools I need and a steady income of scrap to keep me busy. All purchased with money made from my hobby.
    Now, I hope to expand further to a point where I wont need my full time job. Right now, I'm dancing the line between getting too much scrap to process in my free time/ to not having enough scrap income to support my family. After my wife finishes school, I hope to take on more scrap, and (If successful enough) hopefully be able to quit my job and do it full time.
    My retirement plan in the end, is to have a business that will make money for itself with out me being there. And collect my retirement from my current job.

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