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Another day, another 49 computers.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    armygreywolf started this thread.
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    Another day, another 49 computers.

    An update. We're very shortly getting out of the metals game. Instead as a business we will focus on deconstruction, and e waste. I've been killing it as the guys my generation would say. I'm also blessed with having a scrap buyer so near me. The next time I go to see him I will have dismantled 330 machines. I've been using craigslist and newspapers as my advertising far the newspapers are winning. I don't offer much but I pick up and that makes the day for most people (A couple of computers can get **** heavy, especially older HPs (29lb average). We do not take CRTs of any kind, and that's ok with most people, only one business turned me away because of it. I offer to take shred material and in most cases do my best to clean up the former waste area before I leave. As some of you guys know I've had great success with state auctions.

    Before I post today's take, some good news. Many of you are familiar with or govliquidation as its called. The other site, govdeals, same company. Anyways, I know I'm not the only one wondering how in the heck the computers are selling on average for 22-40USD a unit when we all know they're junk. Well, China, and I need not say anymore. This will soon stop, as all partner sites as per mandate from the federal government will require a End User Certificate which states the purpose and destination of the material (if you forge these or lie you go to prison if your caught). This is due to a recovery law put in place in 2010 that requires companies like Dell and HP pay into a fund that subsidizes End of Life processing for their products. The long and short...things will change and prices will fall in line, thank god.

    I heard it from the horses mouth, my payment method expired today and they called me because it didn't go through. I got to asking some questions and that's the result. Any good scrapper will spread good news around quickly. The when even they don't know, except to say they should have been doing this since 2010.

    And now, the scrapper's pinups.

    Last edited by armygreywolf; 03-06-2014 at 08:49 PM.

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  3. #2
    TheScrapper1's Avatar
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    How do you get to advertise in the newspaper ?? And how much does that cost you ? Pretty sure it must not be too expensive in order for you to make a profit on these . These pictures are enough porn for me today!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for sharing grey wolf

  4. #3
    4barrel's Avatar
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    greywolf, do you have any links to news articles related to the law you talk about? I did a quick google search and did not see any laws passed in 2010 requiring certificates.

  5. #4
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    nice score

  6. #5
    armygreywolf started this thread.
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    No, not requiring certificates, the law states that companies who sell EEDs (eligible electronic devices) in the US must also fund an end of life cycle program for scrap recovery. Yes that includes the same terms by which goodwill gets money from even processed tube TVs. The MANDATE is for the company that runs govliquidation. It's apparently been the subject of complaints from Dell, HP and others who have to pay per EED to a fund that ends up not used on their products if it leaves the country. The way they look at it, why should they pay to the fund if they can prove a million plus units in the last 5 years have left the country without hitting the waste stream. I for one agree completely, it might not seem like much, but then I have no idea how much per unit they actually pay, it could be significant. Since we all know the feds have never willingly given away money they'll just add a rule that says those units HAVE to stay here.

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  8. #6
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    No company is paying to a fund per unit. The consumer is paying that and the company is just collecting it. Just another TAX.

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  10. #7
    armygreywolf started this thread.
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    You are absolutely right. Still it at least makes sense not to fund something that isnt being used correctly? Maybe a cover their butt scenario, that's my guess. I hope they weren't simply blowing smoke just to try and make me fell better. I did complain that I hadn't bothered to bid on any computers since 2011.

    And as I tap the keys I just sold a athlon 64x2 5200+ and a 400 watt sata supply for 20 bucks on craigslist. Very nice.

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