Make sure dads not standing on it when you figure out how to turn it on!
Ohhhhhhh myyyyyyy gaaaaawd, where's a video camera when you need one?
Picked up a treadmill from a friend and dad says does it work? Told him I never asked so he called to find out and friend told him it works.
Dad says, your brother will help you take it out of your truck and put it in the basement for me to use.
I have to admit, I've never used one and know nothing about them.
so, dads standing on it pushing buttons and its not turning on. Brothers looking at it to saying well maybe its something in the back.
Me, I picked up this plastic key card looking thing that was hanging on it (I thought it was something to monitor heart rate or something, dumb I know now!)
I plugged that in and this thing took off at a speed of supersonic, (think side grinder speed).
Next thing, dads windmilling across the basement floor and finally grabs a post to hang on to and even though its not funny, I'm doubled over laughing, brother is standing with jaw on the floor and other brother who was watching tv says what the ??
mom comes down and says what the heck is that? It sounds like you got a wood chipper down here!
brother, other brother and me are standing over this thing in awe and I said well, maybe we could use it to sharpen tools. First brother says yeah, worlds largest tool sharpener!
Dads finally back in the groove and says you can have it back I'll help put it in the truck!
He's **** lucky he didn't get hurt and youngest brother told him, ''sorry but, that WAS a kodak moment!''
I can't believe how fast this thing was spinning, if we had it outside I bet we could have launched frozen turkeys off it half a mile away.