I took the plunge or drive lol. I cut out the gouge man . Local face slaps for pricing. Sooo I took the wheel.
Wow a nice trip. My best friend moved there. Had his toddler son there and he insisted I come. I planned to but too broke or busy.
Then recently he died. Sad day. He was shipped home for. ....
So I thought business and a visit. Lil man just past 2 years old. Off I go.
Cool no toll route following mobile gps. Wish I had my bike out wow.
I get there in the dark and camp out in truck till cold set in so I go visiting.
Wow sight seeing lake Erie is frozen over with ships in the ice. Way cool. The stadium is sea side. Then the family I visited. So much fun . I didn't want to leave . I need to do this regularly.
Of course I'm very stoked ! Major fun. I need 3 - days next hmmmmm (maybe not lol I might never go back home ) God is good and fellowship even better. Nice meeting the E man. No judgment on one visit. Deer in headlights moment. Good business Is progressive and consistent which is measured over time. Liked the set up but it Takes time to process all processes that's smart business.
Thanks Cleveland ohio :+)c