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I just save cash gold silver and copper bullion and for any future down hill slides I sell what I can as fast as I can. even a torn up fridge that works still sells for an easy $20 as a worm fridge lol that's why I am always grateful because any given day at any time I can go out and drive around or get messy and dumpster drive and find money cause its everywhere and the harder you work the more you make.
No doubt once we learn the hunting tricks - $10 to $20 in the tank and go , yes it's out there . I am completely a scrapper no matter when , I always look for the items out for the take . It's a way of life , a system of thirst has created the way of life. As long as the system needs us it will continue . Time will tell , For now all of us scrappers help recycle metals like an army . I hope we are always needed .