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Lifes speed bumps:

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    Lifes speed bumps:

    I have always been, even as a child, one to run up hill rather then down, face the wind rather then turn my back to it and, even maintain my course over life's speed bumps.

    Yes, it has made me tough, it has made life exciting and I have learned much, but is it the wise way to go. There are times it is the only path however in most cases I wouldn't recommend it slows progress and some times can run you off the road.

    I believe in most cases you need to be tough to be a scrapper. Not necessarily tough in a physical sense but in vision, mentality, plan.

    I am 70, I should be playing with the kids, fishing or lounging on the hammock with a beer in my hand. But at 70 I'm still hitting speed bumps. I hit three bad ones last week. I am recovering from 2 and working on the third.

    Think hard and smart, work smarter rather then harder.

    Over the last year or so, many of us old timers have seen the scrap business get much tougher, with the economic situation in the world today, I don't expect it to get any better in the near future. Some of us will survive and some won't.

    Increase your chances to be one that will. study this forum and it's archives and on occasion, us when necessary, Remember there is a hard way and an easy way but the smart way is always the best way. mcw
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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