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UMR's goodies!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    UrbanMining started this thread.
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    UMR's goodies!

    Hey folks, this will be the place I post up all of my awesome finds, like the Taterjuice thread etc.
    Urban Mining Recyclers

  2. #2
    UrbanMining started this thread.
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    My first income as Urban Mining Recyclers!

    This is my first load as Urban Mining Recyclers. Just a light load of shred at 420 lbs, 200/ton. Also, 12 pounds of stainless at .50/lb.
    $48 total, but it was just to make room for more stuff!

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  4. #3
    parttimescrapperMD's Avatar
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    I love this scrap haul threads with pictures! They are inspirational! Please keep it up.

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  6. #4
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    I agree its our kind of pin ups but jelly though since shred here is $110ton

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  8. #5
    UrbanMining started this thread.
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    Took another small load of shred last week, still was at 200/ton. I forgot to take a picture of that load, but I was sweeping out the bed, turned around and the claw was just a couple feet off of my bumper. I know the operator probably has hundreds if not thousands of hours but it startled me for sure to see him that close.

    Here's a pic of the claw in action!

    *That is NOT my mower, I most likely would have fixed it or broken it down better. I hate to see what people throw in the shred pile.

  9. #6
    UrbanMining started this thread.
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    Added some sides to the truck, found the closet shutters on my way back to the house with a full truck, perfect fit! They are quick and dirty, later I'll make em a little more purty. I actually like em, the louvers are placed so that you can sorta see through them when you look out the back window, so that's cool.

    Well big trash "day" was in my town this week. Rounded up 5 loads that I loaded into a storage unit for further processing. I want my neighbors to like me in the morning, so I'll keep the biz offsite as much as possible.

    Took another load of shred in that wouldn't fit in the unit, most of it was found in one little neighborhood! Price dropped 25% down to 150/ton Hoping it comes back up like ya'll folks are talking about.

    Loaded a huge load of shred from the unit today, of course I haven't taken the picture yet. It makes room for another town's spring clean up that is spread across four Saturdays! Gotta have an empty truck to do well at CurbCo.

    My main focus of the business will be e-waste and other recycling, but right now I'm striking while the iron is hot during spring clean ups. I have picked up lots of non-ferrous and some e-waste as well, but it will have to wait to be processed.

    Here we go!

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  11. #7
    UrbanMining started this thread.
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    Took another load of shred in last week, again at 150/ton, 680 lbs!

    That load made room for a night of curb shopping in my original hometown. Theirs is spread across 4 different Saturdays, this load is from the first.
    Several computers, 2 lawn mowers, all kinds of goodies besides scrap, some stuff my mom picked up as well, and a rain barrel!
    I don't know how many grills we passed, had to be at least 50, not kidding. I just don't have room for them as of yet.
    Saw a few other scrappers out, but plenty for everyone. It seems alot of other scrappers are not very thorough. They miss culdesacs and don't seem to stop and go through piles, where a lot of goodies are hidden. More for me!

    I just LOVE surprises, picked up a stack of flower pots for my gardening, and this was in between a couple stacks!

    Till next time!

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  13. #8
    UrbanMining started this thread.
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    I Took in a shred load from the first of four Spring Clean Ups pictured above, forgot the pic on that one. It was about 600 pounds.

    Took in the next load today. 580lbs still at 150/ton. It was the little I picked from the clean up I missed last week, some stuff my Mom sourced for me, the rest of the shred in my storage unit, and the smoker on the top that was at CurbCo around the corner from my house.

    Now I have room in my unit and an empty pickup bed for this, the third week of the clean up.

    I promise Ill get to some more interesting stuff when I start processing the items for resell and teardown.

    One of the mowers I picked has a fuel leak at the gas tank, and needs an air filter. Ran like a wild pony without the filter, started right up. Swap meet here I come!!
    Last edited by UrbanMining; 04-17-2014 at 09:51 PM.

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  15. #9
    UrbanMining started this thread.
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    Haven't posted much lately. Been busy with vehicle maintenance and family affairs.

    Took a small load of shred and aluminum in last week. Had picked up a Pepsi cooler someone left by a dumpster. That's when I discovered that my main yard doesn't process refrigerated items properly. 500 pounds at 150/ton. The cooler was probably 300 of that. Not bad for just loading it the truck and taking it to the yard, but I miss the 200+/ton!

    <img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_20140618_144359_zpsoi7umo4e.jpg"/>

    Took a bunch of chum items to the swap meet on Saturday, netted 107 bucks, sitting around talking to passers by for 4 hours. Not bad as it was all stuff from CurbCo! Next time I go, I'll have some bigger ticket items like mowers, a brass bed, a tiller, weedeaters, bikes etc. I was letting stuff go really cheaply, and it worked out well. Now I have a heavier wallet and more space in the garage!

    The most interesting part of Saturday was a 70yr old gentleman, a poet, who was telling us jokes, magic tricks, and serenaded us with several harmonica tunes! Someone once told me that older folks are walking encyclopedias, so I will always give em a listen!
    Last edited by UrbanMining; 07-08-2014 at 08:20 AM.

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  17. #10
    UrbanMining started this thread.
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    Ack! post editing issues, will fix the image in the last post later.

  18. #11
    UrbanMining started this thread.
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    Last edited by UrbanMining; 07-08-2014 at 11:51 AM. Reason: Jacked up image link

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  20. #12
    UrbanMining started this thread.
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    Latest non-ferrous

    Alrighty then, here are some promised better than shred pics! Took a load of non-ferrous in yesterday that had been sitting around. Prices are up a bit, and I needed to pad the checking account as well.
    Brass 22@1.75
    #2 copper 9@2.72
    Bare bright 9@2.90 (my first bare bright ever!)
    Cast aluminum 12@.55
    Sheet alum 12@.50
    Stainless 3@.65 actually had 12lbs., didn't notice the discrepancy on the ticket until after I left :-(
    Nice little payday for a few buckets

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  22. #13
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    I still would have gone back about the discrepancy. My yard missed 20 pounds of aluminum, I didn't notice till I had left, called them up, they said come back, we'll add it on, went back, got my money and left happy, and now would gladly recommend that yard

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  24. #14
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    Great posts! Keep up the good work!
    Check you ticket before signing and pay attention when you are on the scale.

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  26. #15
    UrbanMining started this thread.
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    Whats up SMF!
    I've been busy with spring clean up the last coupla weeks, before that I was building shelves and a workbench in my garage. Spring cleaning has been really good, but I've only been looking for the good stuff due to space constraints.

    First week of 5 in a particular town:

    6 deep cycle marine batteries
    Buck 110 folding knife, good condition
    American Angler fillet knife in sheath
    Marttiini fillet knife in sheath
    Frontera Furniture outdoor rocking chair
    Liahona 27 speed missionary mountain bike
    A couple PCs
    2 or 3 weedeaters
    couple nice mowers
    a retro folding bike
    a collapsible dolly
    ryobi 10 in table saw
    nice brass magazine rack

    These resell items are in pretty good condition, some nearly new. I passed many other mowers, weed eaters, grills fridges, steel, and everything else. I really like just skimming for the good stuff! Just a couple other friendly scrappers out. Also, shred is up 15 a ton to 100. Non-ferrous is good as well. More and pics later!

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  28. #16
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    Looking forward to pics...I can't wait to start a thread like this of my own!

  29. #17
    UrbanMining started this thread.
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    SCORE from a friend in IT

    Hey SMFers!
    I have been planning to get together with a friend of mine who is a Sys Admin. He had quite the haul for me, and there may be more in the future. It was a 5 x 10 cage trailer full, plus some in the bed of the truck. If I can figure out a way to destroy them, he also has 500-700 hard drives for me as well.

    Here's a comprehensive list:
    80 towers minus hard drives, mostly P4 Dell Optiplexes
    3 multi function fax machines
    8 CRT monitors
    7 laser printers
    5 server battery backup units
    2 scanners
    7 flat panel monitors with good screens
    7 APC battery backups
    a misc. box that had:
    8 PCI cards
    1 small socket mobo
    2.25 lbs ram!!

    I pulled the batteries out of all the back up units already, 169 lbs @ .22/lb.
    The trailer rental was 53 bucks, and probably 40 bucks in gas, it was a long trip, but worth it. Here's some eye candy for ya!

    This might put me in range to send a pallet to Ewasted instead of boxes! This was a huge favor for him, and all free! Have a good one!

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  31. #18
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Looks like you'll be busy for a while!! Nice haul. I don't think the wifey here would tolerate that stack of computers in the garage even if they were stacked neatly. Maybe I should give her a screwdriver and show her how its done

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    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Simple way to destroy the hard drives...pull board off, take cordless screwdriver with metal bit, drill 5 holes through it (circle pattern all the way through)...this will shatter the disks in the drive and they would be almost impossible to read. Other option is to open each drive, take internal disks and smash (drive is worth alot less without those, but easy to prove they are destroyed). That is the easy way to destroy drives...other options are more expensive but will render the driver completely unrecoverable (ie a WAY more expensive).

    Good score!
    PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell

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