"[L]eave nothing to the uncertainty of procuring a warlike apparatus at the moment of public danger." --George Washington, Fifth Annual Message to Congress, 1793.
It's great to have fun helping people get rid of what's a burden to them isn't it... I really enjoy all the great people I run into that are happy to have me lift their burden.

Originally Posted by
Got a call back from the same guy I picked up the shelves/fender/radiator support from for an engine block, metal pipes, and some car parts. Got a 350 block, heads, intake, all pistons & rods, small aluminum engine, starters,
a/c pump. Also got tail lights and headlight buckets from a 73 Camaro in great shape. Picked up an A/C and bike on the way back on the guy's road, and then saw a grill in someones yard about 10' off the road. So I stopped and asked and he said he just didn't use it but it's in good shape and it was all mine. So after me and my buddy loaded it, he asked if I take other metal and I said yep. His sister is moving/cleaning out and has a fridge, washer/dryer and some other stuff and doesn't want to pay to take them to the dump so I said I'll take 'em for free. Asked if I had a card and I pulled one out and handed it to him and he said he'll definitely give me a call when they're ready to go!
Also started to put the diamond plate in my bed today.
