A very detailed ad gets posted to the local classifieds, It was saying the local food bank was moving and getting rid all their old stuff (a bunch of filing cabinets and 3 major appliances). Complete with times and dates to come take a look. By midnight the day before it had over 500 views. I email and called but didnt get any response s I showed up 20 minutes before the first time and saw a few other people waiting in the entrance so I step in a realize I'm now in the line of people waiting for the food bank to open to get food. Soon the door buzzed and automatically opened at 10 exactly walked right in and asked about the appliances. I talked to the director and told her I would take everything she was getting rid of and could show up whenever she wanted and gave her my card.
I noticed 5 or 6 cars outside with people waiting in them I heard someone yell "no, it's all gone already some guy took it all" and a car stopped on the road right in front and the passenger yelled "are they gone yet!" out the window. haha made my day.
I showed up today for the first load, 3 filing cabinets and 12 chairs weighing in at 440lbs - not the most but at least I'm getting in with a reputable organization the produces scrap!
The other filing cabinet, stove, deep freezer and fridge will be ready for me to pick up tomorrow.
imgur: the simple image sharer another day scrapping in the crown vic.