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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    TheDude80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ace View Post
    Finished the first box last week, last night I unloaded the 2nd one. The new one is also over 1200 lbs. All the boards will be shipped today from first load, the aluminum, copper, brass, and shred will go out Monday. I was surprised on the amount of IC chips I got from the first load, I haven't weighed them yet, but guessing around 3 lbs. Doesn't sound like alot, but sure was alot in the container I placed them in. Here is picture of the 2nd load.
    I'm curious what the total was for aluminum, copper, and clean boards after you removed these items. Keep up the good work.

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  3. #22
    Ace started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDude80 View Post
    I'm curious what the total was for aluminum, copper, and clean boards after you removed these items. Keep up the good work.
    Clean boards were 550 lbs.

  4. #23
    Ace started this thread.
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    Got most of my first box processed and taken in. Here is a break down\

    Clean Boards 550 lbs
    #2 Copper 44 lbs
    Elec motor 176 lbs
    Aluminum 169 lbs
    Ins #2 59 lbs

    Have about another 50 lbs of #2 copper, and some shred.

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  6. #24
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Great score. Be careful not to over educate your supplier or you will lose out.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  8. #25
    Ace started this thread.
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    trying not too. But I want to communicate everything he ask for, to him. he's a good guy and doesn't want to mess with tear down. He doesn't make his money recycling.

  9. #26
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    He doesn't make his money recycling.
    He is now,,,
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  11. #27
    Ace started this thread.
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    LOL. True! Seems like there is so much stuff coming in I can't breath, I'm not complaining just hard keeping track of my stuff, and his. Going tonight to pick up a storage unit full of stuff ( this is mine). Just got a call from a buddy, that they closed a plant somewhere, and wants me to pick up all the IT stuff by friday. Said better bring two vehicles (this is mine). Have three gaylords, and about 50 pc's in my garage right now that needs to be processed ( me and the other guy). With 9 gaylords more waiting. Then have a monster amount waiting at a warehouse to be started on, when all the other gaylords are done. Just got a HUGE lead today. BTW this is part time, and I don't pay for anything or advertise. I love it. But it is ALOT of hard work, as most of the old timers will agree with I'm sure. Staying oragnized and trying to handle material the least amount of time is key. I don't own a truck or a trailor, and have a 1 car garage. It can be done, have to have a plan, and willing to work your @ s s off

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  13. #28
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    You have to look at gold fever as a disease and treat it as such. This sounds like oh sure yuck yuck, but believe me I have paned for gold in the American river, worked a placer in Oraville, and dry dredged in Death valley. I have seen many loose all common sense over just the thought of finding gold. I have seen many do all sorts of things they or you would never dream they would do after seeing just specks of gold. Just sayin.

  14. #29
    Ace started this thread.
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    Pick up my own load today. Way more than I expected. Over 50 desktops, 10 laptops, 2 printers, 1 satellite receiver, 20 loose cd-roms, 32 hd, fairly larger box of I don't know what yet, stero equipment. My van my was packed. I also didn't pay a cent for it

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  16. #30
    TheRecycleGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ace View Post
    LOL. True! Seems like there is so much stuff coming in I can't breath, I'm not complaining just hard keeping track of my stuff, and his. Going tonight to pick up a storage unit full of stuff ( this is mine). Just got a call from a buddy, that they closed a plant somewhere, and wants me to pick up all the IT stuff by friday. Said better bring two vehicles (this is mine). Have three gaylords, and about 50 pc's in my garage right now that needs to be processed ( me and the other guy). With 9 gaylords more waiting. Then have a monster amount waiting at a warehouse to be started on, when all the other gaylords are done. Just got a HUGE lead today. BTW this is part time, and I don't pay for anything or advertise. I love it. But it is ALOT of hard work, as most of the old timers will agree with I'm sure. Staying oragnized and trying to handle material the least amount of time is key. I don't own a truck or a trailor, and have a 1 car garage. It can be done, have to have a plan, and willing to work your @ s s off
    my hats off to you sir, that is a great outlook and just goes to show that even the small guys can make big things happen.

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