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How to make $150 per day?

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    bigfoot is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    How to make $150 per day?

    I have a 2001 PT Cruiser-my dad and I go scrapping every day of the week and we try to fill up the back seat of our car every scrap day.

    We were making about 14 to 40 bucks per week, and we almost scrapped everything and threw out the plastic.

    Today, we just decided to do something different and to take everything to the scrap yard whole just to get steel price, and we instead got $27 in one day.

    Some of the Items:

    Computer and keyboard
    A non working vacuum
    A paint machine
    A scooter
    A printer
    Bike basket

    Much better, right?

    I am trying to figure out how to get up to $150 dollars per day, and I have been watching a lot of videos, but it's pretty hard.

    Where can I find car batteries? That would certainly add up.

  2. #2
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Get 1875 pounds of steel should get you $150.

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  4. #3
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Your not doing your home work, the computer and key board were worth $10. don't know what kind of scooter. How can you make less money breaking every thing down then you do selling shred? Spend some time and read the forum posts.
    "anyone who thinks scrappin is easy money ain't doin it right!"

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  6. #4
    bigfoot is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Computers are mostly steel, right?

    The computers i have seen don't contain much copper, and you have to get a pound of memory cards to make $8. You'll only probably find one in there.

    Circuit boards didn't yield me much.

    How do you make 10 bucks with a computer? It's just steel and maybe one or two memory cards.

    Certainly you can't make that much here in Michigan!

  7. #5
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigfoot View Post
    Computers are mostly steel, right?

    The computers i have seen don't contain much copper, and you have to get a pound of memory cards to make $8. You'll only probably find one in there.

    Circuit boards didn't yield me much.

    How do you make 10 bucks with a computer? It's just steel and maybe one or two memory cards.

    Certainly you can't make that much here in Michigan!
    Someone does not do their homework......Sold $150 worth of cases/power supplies to the yard today then the owner comes to me and says he needs a computer for his office........bam another $100 there.......Computers are good money if you know what your doing.........please do your homework on computers this site is a wealth of info

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  9. #6
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    Do a lot more reading right away. Save all the computer stuff you can get your hands on (except the old crt monitors and that depends on where you live). The more your read the more money you will make over a shorter amount of time.

    Also you could consider pulling the back seat out of that car and lay in a tarp to protect the carpet and get more stuff.

    Hint: We have buyers of computer parts here on the forum, read the buyers and seller section of the forum.

    Hint: Read the "Sticky" threads at the top of each section of the forum.

    Lastly I have learned nearly all I know from the forum and experience tearing things apart, give it a go. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  11. #7
    Immulmen's Avatar
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    Go to the buyers section. A lot of them have a recent price list on the first page. $8 for ram is about half what you should be getting.
    Scrap Buyers & Sellers - Scrap Metal Forum

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  13. #8
    jord0690's Avatar
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    In regards to the comp, try selling the keyboard on CL if its newer and in good shape. Even 5-10 bucks is better than 0.10 per pound for shred.

    For motherboards I get 1.50 per pound locally. Buyers on here pay better. In my bit of experience they are approx a pound each. (Depending on the comp) power supplies have quite a bit of copper wire, or sell it whole for .20-.30 per pound. We have a buyer here who buys untested memory for up to 10 or 12 bucks A PIECE for the right kind. Im not gonna say who, thats too easy then if it has peripheral cards, PCI cards or finger cards (all the same just different names) I sell locally for $2 per pound. I could get more by me and my buyer have a deal worked out. CPUs can go for up to $115-120 per pound for the right ones. Then factor in the alum/copper heat sinks, other wires. Get 5-10 computers and it adds up FAST. Like the others said, rear read and read. Especially the ewaste section. LOADS of info there. Including ways to find computers and other ewaste. One important thing, Dont get discouraged. We all have dry periods. Iv had an ad online for a week. Got one TV. Other times I got a van FULL of telecom equipment. (Read up on that too. Some goes for ober $3 per pound. You'll find out why)
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

    GC Metal Recycling & Recovery
    Barrie, Ontario.

  14. #9
    junkisus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Sounds like you want profit with no effort, there is no easy way to make money scrapping. If you want the bigger profit items you will most likely have to buy them. Hard to make a whole lot on a regular basis just curb shopping. Just haul your steel in daily to make room for other stuff and save up your copper, brass ect. no matter how small the amount for each item and just take in once a week or two you will be surprised how fast it adds up.

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  16. #10
    kevs79 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I think the key is breaking your stuff down and not settling on shred prices and making your trips to the yard count. I normally accumulate stuff, tear them down and get the motors, wiring, aluminum, copper, brass etc. out and throw that off to the side. Once my shred piles get full enough for a load I take to the scrap yard and get my 75-100 for small trailer load. Once I accumulate enough of the non-ferrous then I make a trip. My last non-ferrous trip was 300.00 for 800lbs of mixed. That 300.00 was broken down into 20 categories!! I had over 20lbs of wire I had collected from the teardowns. I'm not getting rich, but it is nice money on the side and I have fun doing it.
    Oh, something else, do your research and make sure you are not throwing away something that can easily be sold for WAY more than scrap price.

    Edit: Looks like we think alike ^^^^^^

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  18. #11
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    There will still be things you don't want to take apart, but a computer is not one of them. Vacuum cleaners are one of the ones I just cut the cord and let the rest fly, lol. I recycle a lot of AC units here and I will save the compressors until I get the best rate from the big buyer. Goes from $.13/lb to $.25/lb once you hit about a 1000 lbs. The more you have, the more you can bargain with. Gotta have money to make money, but you also have to keep money to make money. Remember that.

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  20. #12
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    I been here since September of 2013, I'm reading every day and I'm still learning something new almost everyday. I don't think I deserve a Bozo button or anything for all of the reasearch I do. I'm just saying the info is there if you're willing.

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  22. #13
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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  24. #14
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    there is a big difference between a scrapper and a scavenger, but like most every thing else it takes a little more effort and a little knowledge. It's all here.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 04-22-2014 at 02:38 AM.

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  26. #15
    bigfoot is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Wait a minute...

    So ok, I did just check the buyers section.

    Based on what I am seeing here, it's mostly for ewaste stuff.

    If I have some ewaste, what you are trying to tell me is that when I get some ewaste, I should break it down and save EVERYTHING up until the pounds add up, then wait till I see a buyer on the internet give a better price, then sell it and ship it to them?

    So what you guys are saying is that I shouldn't be going to my local scrap yard as much and instead I should be focusing on selling to multiple buyers- especially buyers on the internet who buy at higher prices?

  27. #16
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    When it comes to e-waste and a few specialty metals... Yes.
    with Metals, shopping around different scrapyards for the best price on 500 lb of copper could be the difference of $150 or more
    And remember If you want to make good money with consumer items your gonna need bulk and more bulk and more bulk..
    Last edited by NHscrapman; 04-22-2014 at 03:22 PM.
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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  29. #17
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigfoot View Post
    Wait a minute...

    So ok, I did just check the buyers section.

    Based on what I am seeing here, it's mostly for ewaste stuff.

    If I have some ewaste, what you are trying to tell me is that when I get some ewaste, I should break it down and save EVERYTHING up until the pounds add up, then wait till I see a buyer on the internet give a better price, then sell it and ship it to them?

    So what you guys are saying is that I shouldn't be going to my local scrap yard as much and instead I should be focusing on selling to multiple buyers- especially buyers on the internet who buy at higher prices?
    You can do what you want but I break down most of my ewaste and sell it to buyers on this forum.........Actually make a fair living doing it (not rich but comfortable)

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  31. #18
    bigfoot is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    What about non - ewaste?

    Is there better prices for non ewaste?

    I'm talking about plumbing pipes, ferrous and non - ferrous metals?

  32. #19
    lousypirate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigfoot View Post
    What about non - ewaste?

    Is there better prices for non ewaste?

    I'm talking about plumbing pipes, ferrous and non - ferrous metals?
    The cost to ship does not justify the means with your standard metals (steel, stainless, copper, brass, aluminum)

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  34. #20
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    What I got from your original post was you pick up what scrap you can including computers and sell it as an entire load for shred. From the responses you have gotten from others that's been their impression as well.

    So now to your question on non-ewaste. Are there better prices yes if you tear down the items into separate categories(which has already been suggested). If you have the room store up some of the non ferrous material and bring in larger loads which MAY command better prices.

    All these and much much more are explained by members who describe their experiences in the old threads(which is why you get "read the old threads").

    If you read the old threads you will learn much more that you can imagine to ask about and will make more money. I have built a nice little side business that makes money and keeps me with a purpose. Best of luck, Mike.

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