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Cindy's move + 1 trip to bar = hollllllllly cow

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Cindy's move + 1 trip to bar = hollllllllly cow

    So, having scrapped in the area before the move and stopping in the local bar for a cold one on a hot night, most everyone already knew what I did for a living.

    For soooooome odd reason, things happened to ''click'' this weekend (not sure why ''scrapping'' didn't ''click'' before this lol), its not like I never pulled in full to the gills with scrap!

    Anywho, was in the bar the other night and one guy said ''this is good to know'' (what I do) even though he already knew! Lol, maybe it was too many cold ones on his part

    Saturday, brother came home and said one guy had a truck load for me (guy from the bar). Cool beans! While I'm there his neighbor see's what I'm doing and brings over some stuff. Even cooler beans! Pull out of the drive and the neighbor two down from the original one is waving me into his driveway. Gave me pool pumps, those heavy umbrella stand holders (for deck tables), push mower and some other odds and ends and a gas powered edger.

    From those 3 houses I got a grill, a mower, pool pumps, misc metal, old metal hose reel, drum set, trampoline and a BB hoops (the end of driveway kind). I had 832 lbs of steel from that day alone as well as 100 lbs of misc non ferrous. The yard roller and farm equipment is still in my yard because I have to go out on my 9 hour run in a bit.

    Today, the neighbor pulled into my drive while I was out breaking down and loading my truck and said I have a yard roller and an old piece of farm equipment for you, come over and get it.

    Cripes, lol, I can't keep up this week and this is all in between my regular scrap routes which is piling up to be taken in, no idea where to put more scrap and leave room for cars to park!

    From the first guy (from the bar) he gave my name to his family and said his brother probably has some stuff also. For some reason he was impressed with my doing this (part of it being a female lol) but I wanted to conk him over the head and say, ''hello! you KNEW I do this!'' lol

    From the third guy (the waving one as I pulled out) we brokered a deal on tearing apart ANOTHER camper *facepalm*

    that wont be started until his yard dries out, its still like a swamp at this point (low area). I look at it this way, this one is a pull behind, should go LOTS smoother than the first one I did which was the driving one and considering I'd never done a vehicle before 40 hours plus a few wasn't all that bad for a girl! Hopefully this one takes less than that.

    AND, there are only TWO trees growing through this one lmao.

    All in all, I am not missing the lawn equipment job that never came to fruition because at this point, I'd have to work 24/7 to get it all fit into my days!!

    Alrighty folks, gotta get my truck in order and head out, I hope everyone's evening goes as great as mine has so far and hopes to be again when I get home at 3 am!
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

  2. #2
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Nice work New!

    Since this is a off year for our City's spring clean up I was a little worried I would not match last years numbers...just not enough time in the day this month though, so no more worrying.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

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    Its good to hear you continue to do so well. Keep at it. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    NA = Networking Attitude..

    Way to rock it! Help your self to Brojer's tip jar. Ha!

    Sirscrapalot - Go NA it's your birthday, it's your birthday../insert goofy jig here.

  7. #5
    directrecycle's Avatar
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    9 Hour run!!!

    really feeling like a slacker now

  8. #6
    newattitude started this thread.
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    omg, I just realized my OP was all screwy - I talked about the yard equipment before I told how I came by it, so sorry! I just looked in the mirror and my eyes are crossed I'm so tired.

    directrecycle, don't ever feel like a slacker - 4 hours of scrapping = 8 hours of work IMO. Mondays are a 4 city run for me, thats why it takes so long. I finished 15 minutes early today lol.

    I've hit my stride it seems. Every waking hour I've spent being a ''good'' scrapper for 4 years is paying off. Hubby brings stuff from work and colleagues, sons and their networking yields me scrap nearly every week. All the contacts new and old I've made are yielding phone calls and full truck loads. This is on top of regular curb shopping.

    Kz,, you are always on top of your game! *Fist bump!*

    @ Sir - lol! I like it!

    Thank you miked!

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  10. #7
    BroJer's Avatar
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    hey hey HEYYYYYYY ... sounds to me like with all that success, and increase in otta be tossing some greenbacks IN the jar not takin it OUT! shesshhhh

    YOU ROCK NEW!!! and are a great inspiration!

    Help yourself to a cold beverage outta Sirdodoz itty bitty baby kooler

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  12. #8
    sawmilleng's Avatar
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    I'm missing something say you in moving from one house to another?

    Congrats on the hauls. You are one goin' concern!! I'll betcha hubby is getting jellous...your weekly take is probably closing in on his paycheck size!! I'll make the same comment as Directrecycle...your work ethic makes me feel like a slacker, too!!

    Stay safe!!


  13. #9
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Yes, we moved to my childhood home! I am in the middle of all scrap routes now, like the hub of a wheel!

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  15. #10
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    A DRUM SET!!! what kind if its nice i wouldn't scrap it. haha i have never heard of someone scrapping a drum set idk it just seems a little odd to me.

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