I literally felt sick when I found out about this. So as is always stated in scrapping basics, ALWAYS check what you have to see if it's worth more than scrap! Now I've always done this, and alot of times if I can't find any info I run it through at least one auction and if it doesn't sell then I scrap it. HOWEVER, I took for granted a simple item I never thought twice about being worth anything...KEYBOARDS! Then I read in a post something about an IBM keyboard being worth something. While working in the garage I came across this BLACK IBM M13 KEYBOARD that I forgot about. So I took a look on ebay for sold listings and what do I find...SOLD for $130..another one SOLD for $168 (with 20 bids)...another SOLD for $225! Awesome, and guess what, I CUT THE CORD OFF!!!

Do you think there are refurbishers out there that would still buy this as is that could replace the cord? I might just throw it on ebay with a low starting bid to see what happens.