If you are looking for these peices (I do) check the CD drive, or floppy drive, or even a Tape cassette drive for open air switches of the two copper strip sort.
Often I find they have a 'Bar' shaped contact, 1mm x 0.8mm x 2mm long on them.
Often the bar is Solid Silver ( but hardly enough to save up for $$) mostly Silver/Copper & sometimes Gold plated Silver & in a few cases (Rotary Telephone switch) Solid Gold.
The contacts on the
microwave switches are similar in return. Pick them off with nail clipper by bending the copper strip away from the contact, then grab each side of the contact with the jaws, twist it & its weld will crack & it will fall off.
Do it over a cafe tray or such as 25% seem to find a hole in the floor....