In the next few months I need $7000 to save my home .
Good news I have a job
Second news I have scrap
I have enough that I am completely over whelmed
so now the reality is I guess since I am relying on STOCK that is not to infinity
I need derive to fullest value
copper from wire to motors
Brass to be dissembled
Balusters with copper
Steel naturally
BUT can some one clue me in to current Value I think I have 1000 or more pounds of
computer items from all that comes with a computer Once I take apart all my computers
I have many CPU some PRO's
It's been a security blanket to hoard But has had draw backs that we all know about
As a guess ?
Do you members think I might surprise my self once I dig into what I have
I could fill a 2 1/2 car garage tight as of now .
I even have a 5700 pound cargo van with cats I can scrap.
naturally I still find
Any way where do I Start ????
What I don't want to sell is copper pipe and ice maker copper plates
Yet to save my home , a home and land investment has to exceed scrap ownership .
Horder OUT.