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Momma's Gone Treasure Huntin'...

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    MommaMechanic started this thread.
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    Momma's Gone Treasure Huntin'...

    I liked the idea of starting a thread to sort of keep a log of cool finds along the way. I wish I had more to start with, though, but here it is.

    I drove by this a couple of days ago and thought maybe someone left it out. I definitely want to be wary when it comes to kids' stuff. I have a couple myself, they forget sometimes and leave things lying around. So when it was still sitting all nice and neat on the curb yesterday, I stopped and knocked on the door. The guy gave me a bunch of kids' knee pads and elbow pads to go with it, but they sat in the rain so they are a little damp and stinky. I'll try cleaning them out and donating them, but I doubt anyone's gonna want stuff that other people sweated in (unless, of course, they were famous. Then all bets are off.) But the sweet ride is a different story.


    A little Google-Fu and I was able to determine that it's a Dynacraft Powerslide trike. Unfortunately the Hot Wheels one came with a little sound box for the handlebar so you could "rev" it. Doesn't have that now. But otherwise it's in decent shape, and since drift trikes are all the rage now I'm thinking maybe if I clean it up someone might want it for their kid or for a custom project. I'm guessing it wouldn't bring in that much in scrap. Who outgrows Hot Wheels anyway?

    On the way to school yesterday I found a TV yesterday. Haven't tested yet to see if it works, but if it was out in all this rain, I doubt it. So I'll be tearing into that at some point.

    It's been a hectic week and I haven't had a lot of time to get outside of my town to really hunt for stuff. Hopefully this weekend should be better and maybe I'll score something good after the yard sales.

  2. #2
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Geez, Big Wheels have come a long way from when my kids were little! Clean it up and put it out front or on CL with a for sale sign! Nice score!
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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  4. #3
    MommaMechanic started this thread.
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    You're telling me! Nowadays all you can get are the plastic ones again. It looks like this metal one came out maybe 4 years ago or so. I think I vaguely remember seeing ads on TV for them being able to "rev" like a motorcycle.

    Found another TV tonight through Freecycle. This one does work, it's a 20" CRT. I don't really know, what are the odds of trying to find a buyer for it? SHould I just scrap it anyway? Even similar size flat screens are becoming cheap as hell, so I can't imagine anyone would really want it.

  5. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    They can't give the tube types away here, cause the tube is hard to recycle.
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  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    They can't give the tube types away here, cause the tube is hard to recycle.
    Same here, trash men won't touch them, scrappers are just cutting the cords and moving on. No place to take the tubes. Been passing the same one's sitting at the curb week after street markers.

    Lot of the 30" and up lately...they're just too much for me to load even if there was someplace to get rid of them.

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  8. #6
    MommaMechanic started this thread.
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    What about Best Buy, for example? I found them through a search on Earth 911 and it appears they take CRTs whether they work or not. They say they limit it to 3 items per person per day or something, so I guess for just me by my lonesome it might work out. Obviously I can't really afford to have the stuff laying around, and I don't want to spend my hard earned cash on having to get rid of them.

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  10. #7
    webuyselltradestuff's Avatar
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    Strip it if you have the extra time and the value is there for you and put the case back on...then take to best buy for thwir recycling program...easy cheesy.

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    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by webuyselltradestuff View Post
    Strip it if you have the extra time and the value is there for you and put the case back on...then take to best buy for thwir recycling program...easy cheesy.
    The best buy near me takes 32 inch and smaller . Might want to look into your local stores requirements before you start doin any extra lifting.

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  14. #9
    MommaMechanic started this thread.
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    Picked up yet another TV today Fortunately all three so far have been under 32" so I shouldn't have trouble being able to get BB to take the CRTs. I took a walk in a nearby park and went into the trails out back where the kids go hang out and drink and smoke pot and paint murals (yeah, OK, I'm pretty sure that's NOT what they were doing with those spray paint cans...) and ended up with like about half of a 30 gal trash bag with crushed cans. Not bad for like an hour's work or so. Got me out in the sunshine, at least.

    Headed off to class and then bringing my treasures over my bf's house tonight. Excited to get down to business making a plan to hit yard sales tomorrow too. There is money to be made out there, I can smell it.

  15. #10
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Awesome keep up,the great work . I keep all my cans in trash cans with lids . Haven't had any ant problems yet . I have a bunch of parks and a few rec fields in my neighborhood . They are a great source for cans after the night time or weekend softball or soccer matches. I no longer mess with tvs , I have partnered up with a hvac guy and I help him breakdown the huge indoor units . He keeps the copper and radiators I get all wire ,steel,compressors usually 80 # a piece. Brass . He Lets me amass my steel at his shop so I can take it in one big load usually once a week . He gets at least 10 units a week . We usually scrap 2-3 in a day so this has been keeping me busy . He has a endless supply of these because every install produces another huge old steel monster . It's a win win for us both because his space gets cleared and he gets his copper and radiators . There is some serious weight/cash in those radiators .he provides the material so I'm just helping breakdown and getting a steady source of scrap .mdoesnt hurt that I have known him for years and working alongside him is more like hanging with a friend then intense labor with strangers .

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