What a DAY! I feel like a pile of jello....
So I get all my gear gathered today and head out around 10am to the jobsite where there is supposedly 3k of sprinkler pipe waiting to go away. I arrive at a strip mall and mosey on inside and to my surprise a building the side of a football field has 3-4 people working! and it was a MESS. I ask one guy where "John with XXXXXX company is" and he says ask that guy... I then ask the next guy who says he doesn't know and point at the guy riding some machine and says "go ask the foreman" So I approach this guy and introduce myself and his reaction was..
"Oh scrap? That pile right there is the sh** left by John go ahead and grab it. But.. do you want more metal? We are behind schedule, I am down guys. Any metal touching the ground you can take." He spreads his arms and motions that anything from that point on can be taken... in that football field size area he just motioned too sits another pile of electrical pipe (2,000 pnds) and aside from that there is pipe and wire and **** EVERYWHERE! I had to call in my friend with a truck and real trailer a few hours later when I realized I couldn't handle it all.
In the end my buddy got 3,000pnds of pipe/scrapmetal. I got 3,000 pounds of pipe+metal, 100 pnds of romex, ~50 pounds cast aluminum, 100 pounds of heavy gage aluminum wire, ~40 pounds aluminum pipe things. We got it all moved out by the end of the day. I also gave the foreman my
business card (first one handed out to a non friend/family!), and had some small chat with the foreman. He replied saying "Wish I had this a few days ago! We have another job just down the road next week, I will give you a shout. Thanks for all the help today"
GREAT day. GREAT GREAT GREAT day. Completely exhausted but cannot stop smiling.
Thanks for reading!
Its becoming clear im making more money on my "days off" now that I do at my full time haha!!