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what a weird week its been

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    newattitude started this thread.
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    what a weird week its been

    Seems like there are more ''keepsies'' than scrap turned in. Monday, got a nice load but then every day since then its been....find an 8 foot windmill and parents take it and nothing much left over so toss it in the next day pile. next day, find all kinds of stuff that everyone wants or *I* want to keep and turn in just enough to cover that days gas plus the last days. next day find motors from a school (giveaway was how they were painted) which a friend says ''I'll take that'' (I want one too!) and an awesome, I'm not even sure what you call them - you burn branches and stuff in them in your front yard, like a radiant wood burning stove type thingamajig and just enough scrap left over to cover the gas once again. Seems like its been a ''find tons of bikes'' and thats all that seems top be getting scrapped plus misc junk week and ''keepsies'' week.

    I am pretty sure tonights load is all scrapable lol. All that does is start me out with Sundays gas, cover what I spent todays scrap money on and hopefully some boxes of Keurig coffee cups. Yeesh.
    Scrapper, Scrap Yard Worker, Horse farm worker, Cooler Puller and just plain ''tired''

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Been one of those for me to, except I had a buddy come by an manage to give me a high enough bribe to part with a really cold producing beer fridge(I was going to keep it downstairs, to use for my beverages, an for when I grill out, less walking upstairs) and a Kingford grill. I was sad after I sold him the grill. Cause he pointed it out it had a bottle opener on it!

    Found a bunch of kids bikes earlier in the week, they are in a pile awaiting a trip to the yard. Someone else came by an bought two of the tires. lol. Just walking by an they wanted them. Hey for 10 bucks a piece I'll sell it to them all day long!

    May next week be better for ya NA!

    Sirscrapalot - Ain't no life like the pug life. - Some pug loving site.

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    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    I love bikes , that's great hope the pay off nice . I had some luck last month sold 3 of them on cl after hard core negotiations I sold 2 for 80 and the third for 150 . With the weather nice they don't seem to take too long sell. If I get Rusty ones or small kids bikes . They end up at the yard . But my yard pulls all bikes and donates them , another reason why I frequent them.

    Check this out , I got all this on Wednesday for 2$ All non ferrous.

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  7. #4
    newattitude started this thread.
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    oh wow, is that silver plated?

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    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Sadly I don't think , they bid choice on the lot before I bought the remainder , a lady won high bid of I think it was $8 and took the one piece I believe was silver plated. I never investigate during the auction , I swear if someone sees you touch something they will try to run you up. The picture I showed was the rest . I'm going to have to check it out , I just separated the ferrous out before I took their . Got some heavy stuff that I'm thinking is pewter . I will check it over again before I grind it on the bench. I'm thinking the candle sticks are brass . I will post the weights after I sort tom.

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    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Nice score indeed, an real cool of your yard to donate the bikes.

    Ones I got are kids bikes an all banged up an rusty, so they'll go to the yard eventually. I stripped them of useable parts, an will likely donate them to one of the places that helps kids down here. Save money on them paying for parts, so they can put that money to food, clothes, etc.

    Sirscrapalot - What doesn't tequila only makes you stronger. - Me, or Unknown.

  12. #7
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    NA.....looks like you're going to have to carry a hammer with you so you can dent up everything you find so the friends and relatives won't want it all.

    Metalbestos....good haul on your auction. Really check that stuff out. Some of it could even be Sterling. Even if it's brass, that's great. Pewter would be better. Check with your yard on silver plated items. One near me buys any silver plated stuff at $1.25/lb. Your yard may have a similar price category.

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  14. #8
    brandon's Avatar
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    NA, the only people that get free stuff from me is the parents, other friends and family can get things at a discount but always the same or more than I would have got if I scrapped something. Look out for your parents then look out for number one, everyone else can pay me for my product.
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  16. #9
    Curbside shopper's Avatar
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    I get weeks like that a lot, sometimes there's just nothing out around here, or the other scrappers have been hitting it hard and I'm left with glassware or fruit bowls. LOL

    Then the next week I'll be overwhelmed.

    That windmill sounds awesome though, been hoping someone tosses one around here...have just the spot for it.

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  18. #10
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    get a lot of times of give aways but I love it because the best ever was giving my neighbor a lawnmower not anything special mind you worked well and was beat up. the next spring they remodel and give me all the lights cabnets and rads in the house $1400+ worth of sales and scrap so it good to put good out to get yummy back

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  20. #11
    newattitude started this thread.
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    the friend just brought me over a 3 pack of flashlights, they have 3 settings for when I'm out at night - normal, high and flashing!!! Nice !!! Okay, I'd call that ''even!''

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  22. #12
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Heeeeeeere we go again! got a new list of ''be on the lookout for'' from neighbors. Well, usually when someone wants something you never run across the item until wayyy after the fact. Not last night, last night picked up a potty for a neighbor having hip surgery next week. Looks pretty new because the wrapping was still on the metal. Tick one ''BOLO'' off the list.
    Picked up a grill still in the wrapper (???????). Ummmmm.....thats gonna be for me! All I gotta do is find some screws to hook the bottom to the top. Son needed a new push mower, found one.

    Aaaaan bikes, its another bike week. Found one where the front end spins, like a trick bike? wheels are hard, no leaks but the brakes don't work. I don't know how hard those are to fix but that is going on CL. lol, after all the ''keepsies'' were removed from the pile I didn't have much left over. Good thing all these neighbors trade me for stuff with other scrap or aluminum cans or I wouldn't even break even!

    Also, woke up to some fencing layed up against my trailer and haven't figured out where that came from yet!

    Lol, good thing I love driving by myself until 3 am and can keep myself good company, thats half the fun!!

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