I will be using this thread to chronicle my scrapping highlights. Feel free to chime in.
I will be using this thread to chronicle my scrapping highlights. Feel free to chime in.
More than scrap value
I found a bike curbco. Turned out to be a Benotto Itilian bike. It's a road pedal bike to make it simple and havnt figured out pics cuz I use IPhone exclusively. NEWay... Listed it. Sold it two days later for $40. Turns out the bike was relistd by my buyer for $240 next day. I don't mind I made money hope he does too I guess.
Got a MTD canadian made snowblower and a murrey self-propelled push (ha oxymoron) mower, both curbside finds, listed on local crap buyer and seller site... Sold that day $80. Engine seemed seized on snowblower and mower moved freely. I didn't check em out any further than that. That's fine with me, easy money. Little handling, no storage and little time invested and I like cash!
Clothesline posts -you know the ones that look like "T" found two, curbside again, listed, sold shortly after. $50 I'm my pocket. And way more $ than shred.
Dryers - Everyone knows - if they work = easy $40-50. I've sold a few now. Usually the washing machine is toast when I get em.
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These are my new favorite type of threads . We get to follow along the progress . Keep it up !
good day
Took apart a shop-vac type motor... Beat the copper out of em. Basically turned what would have been $0.1 to $1.50... yielded half pound #2. Didn't take long either. This one had brass bushings too. It all adds up.
Got a call... 2 DW's and built in range stove oven thingy... It has a chunky wire. DWs are all stainless... Racks ok - I try try try to sell these online $10. Doesn't take me long to strip em... Can't wait!
Why would I drag a cooler around when I can sit and reach over for the next cold one?
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pics please.![]()
Money is not the root of all evil, the love of money is.
I have iPhone. Going to try posting pic.
That worked so here are a few more. Stacked like a library book shelf hehe!
These are my most notable at spring cleanup.
keep driving that truck upside down u goin to lose ur load
Gravity test confirmed. Wheeeeeeww I was worried about that one.
Brought in four hundred and 60-ish pounds and received about 9 1/2 cents per pound = $44ish
That tube flaring tool is my wire stripper.
I have no idea why the photos rotate??? Just turn your monitor.
I've been at it for a couple weeks now and never thought to post about it but here goes...
My house is very old - 140yrs. It has no garage. You see my problem... Turns out there was a farmer outside of town, had a small old farmhouse that he rented out... Tenants had a small kitchen or elec. fire... He built a new big house and moved in... My point... I need a garage. My house and the old farmhouse have the same yellow brick about same age. Even same locally made brick. I live in a small village, one store type village. Soooo...
We pushed the walls over with a backhoe and now I have been spending after "work," I stack and clean brick for future use on my garage. I have been separating garbage and metal etc. in order to get the roof off farmer has a crane truck and we rented a bin and cut the roof to fit ad boomed em in. I have made the decision to also salvage lumber from the house like the flooring and joists maybe to sell or use myself. To date I've got about 3500 bricks cleaned of old mortar and stacked on pallets, i think another 3000 will be all that is available. The ones in the pic are actually "salmon" (red to keep it simple for me) coloured... I'm trying to sell these... these were on the inner layer of the double brick. The ones I really want are virtually the same but yellow.
I was trying to keep it short...
I put the tube flaring tool in the vice as shown in pic... Clamp in a box cutter blade in selected size hole corresponding to wire size as shown in pic... Insert insulated wire... Pull through cutting into insulation... Remove insulation and deposit in trash... Admire bare bright copper and deposit in vault.
Here is a clean out day for me. Around late may. Just the non-ferrous, i did bring 1/2 ton shred too not on this paper. Notice the ballast. I went back for my $10. Also the MLC was actually mostly very clean (no paint) extruded and sone sheet but the scale guy asked me what type AL so i said MLC b/c i thought it paid better, live and learn - know what you are selling! Copper and brass prices not as high so I didn't sell any. I do these once every couple months. Always bring trailer load of shred too. I stockpile BBQ cast and AL lawn chairs and doors for downtime break down and big payouts.
Last edited by thekeith; 07-17-2014 at 11:26 AM.
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