About 3 and 1/2 years ago, vamped400 introduced the post, "What's the most you've made in one scrap run?"

I actually placed it into my bookmarks to review and inspire myself from time to time. I know that big score will happen sometime, and I love reading about the successes of so many of you in this forum.

So how about this? What is your biggest hauled load in your scrapping career, and how the heck did you get it to the scales? Or if you prefer, what is the most lucrative scrapyard run you've made financially?

I recently placed identical 4' x 4' x 8' electrical panel boxes in the back of my '95 Dakota. The yard weight was 1320 pounds, and I had to get my son, a deputy sheriff, to help me load these. (Fortunately, the crane guy at the yard performed the offload. but unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo!)