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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    Soobthang started this thread.
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    No, it's a bad yard. I can get $3 lb for #1 cu elsewhere. I could probably find better prices on aluminum too. Just didn't have enough petro. Gonna take in a load of tin soon to a better yard now that I have some gas money to get there.

  2. #22
    Soobthang started this thread.
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    Tore down a lawnmower today. Keeping the engine, wheels, maybe a couple other things, thinking about the height adjusting axles not sure yet but the deck is scrap.

    Trash day tomorrow in my neighborhood so I plan on do a little curb shopping on my bike early in the morning.

  3. #23
    Soobthang started this thread.
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    Took a load of tin in yesterday, 420 lbs of the steel bathtub, microwave shell, several vehicle wheels, lawnmower deck, misc other sheet steel and three alternators. Got $41.10, steel is $150/ton, alternators $.30/lb. But the bank I went to stiffed me $7.50 to cash the check. The yard prints out checks instead of cash, no 10 day waiting for a check in the mail for anything over $30 like alot of other places, stupid clucks ruining everything. Got a few pix of my truck and the load. Still trying to figure out how to post them.

    While I was loading the truck my neighbors across the alley came over and gave me two lawnmowers, an old sattelite receiver, microwave, even tore up a couch just to give me the springs, and an old hubcap, think it's off an early '60's Chevy, I'm keeping that one, wall art for the garage. I think they're going to give me an old 55 gal barrel that was converted into a smoker. Maybe a few other things I hope. Helps them clean up their yard while I build up a stash for the next trip.
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    Last edited by Soobthang; 08-16-2014 at 10:36 AM.

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  5. #24
    Soobthang started this thread.
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    Tore down the microwave, has a 120 volt turntable motor, keeping that and the cooling fan. Also tore down the two lawnmowers, one is a 5 hp Briggs, the other a 6.5 hp Briggs, big boy. I'll hold onto the engines for a while along with the 4.5 Tecumseh that came on the last mower I tore down. The mower I'm keeping has a 5 hp Briggs. Found a side discharge chute in the carport, perfect fit for it. Gonna go scouting the alleys for more scrap. Love to score car/truck steel wheels, they're about 25-30 lbs each. Used to find a truckload of them in a day 15 years ago.

  6. #25
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    Keep in mind if you go to Wally World they will cash your company check for $3.00 at the service desk. I've cashed Ohio checks at mine.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  8. #26
    Soobthang started this thread.
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    Yeah my neighbor friend told me that too. I do have an account with a credit union but it's about ten miles from where I was. The bank was a few miles from the yard. Used to be only a charge for any check over $50, I guess they changed it. The teller didn't seem to like that policy but I was very polite and accepted it anyway. Gasoline is a precious commodity these days.

  9. #27
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    Gasoline is a precious commodity these days.
    So is the cash in your pocket!

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  11. #28
    Soobthang started this thread.
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    Well, scored a truck wheel with tire. I have a HFT tire changer. And a bunch of used tires I gotta take in somewhere. I once put an ad on CL for free tires and somebody took most of them haha.

  12. #29
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    Dismantled some kind of medical air pump I received from a friend a while back and had laying around getting in the way. Something called Easy Air 15 by Precision Medical. Don't know much about, it worked somewhat, pressure regulator was damaged when somebody tossed it in a dumpster. Hope it wasn't worth too much because it's in pieces now and won't be going back together. I think the windings on the pump motor are coated aluminum. Still have to separate the motor housing and pull the armature. Salvaged a 120/240 switch and a liter per minute gauge and an hour meter. Plenty of cast aluminum, some copper wire and a few brass fittings. 120 volt fan too, cooling fan I think, similar to window fan motors. May have a use for it but I got a few fans, both axial and squirrel cage blowers. Also have a nebulizer laying around, haven't taken it apart yet.

  13. #30
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    Took in a load yesterday, 400 lbs steel, 1 lb copper, 15 lbs aluminum, 3 lbs brass. Also brought in an alternator and three auto a/c compressors. The compressors went as ferrous aluminum, at 46 lbs combined weight at $.20/lb=$9.20. Pretty good deal on that one, probably only a couple pounds of aluminum on them. Total payout $54.70.

  14. #31
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    Haven't been out looking for scrap too much lately. Scored some electronics, a somewhat large dvd player, stereo receiver, several computer monitors and a couple tvs.

  15. #32
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    Just scored several loads of scrap............wood. But, it counts because: I like to dismantle material in front of the fire with a tasty beverage, and all the ferrous fasteners I pull out of the ashes with a magnet add up some weight. Also, the folks giving me the wood have an old iron block V8 they're giving me too.

  16. #33
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    I admire your pluck ! Keep on picking things off when you can. I hope you can find a place that doesn't loan shark percentages of your scrapping check. That one was about 18% if I figured right. Check out rummages sales if you get a chance. Sometimes a person can get some good stuff to scrap or re-sell at low prices (then again, sometimes not...).

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  18. #34
    Soobthang started this thread.
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    So this weekend I tore down the stereo receiver, a couple tv's, and several monitors. I have another tv buried in my closet I need to dig out, and an older flat screen monitor too. Got the last of the scrap wood. Some of it was old furniture with die cast(zinc) handles and such. Got the short block V8, supposed to be a 350 SBC. Then the folks who gave me that had a few dvd players, couple speaker towers, a microwave, an automotive starter and a 40lb bucket of bolts for me. Also picked up another tv off the curb, then scored a vacuum cleaner and a few other things(not metal scrap).
    Missed out on a washer dryer set with a few extra scrap material this morning though. Otherwise I'm managing to keep busy.

  19. #35
    Soobthang started this thread.
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    Well, that bucket of bolts actually turned out to be wheel weights. No wonder it was so heavy for a small bucket.

    Tore down the microwave and the vac yesterday. Microwave is the exact model my folks have so I'll keep a few spare parts for it.

    The tv works. I plugged it in and hooked my camera to the a/v jacks and watch a video in the back of my truck. Might keep the tv, could set it up outside and watch the Seahawks by the fire.

    Got plenty of material to process from the other tv's and monitors, separating all the copper, etc.

    Trash day tomorrow so I might hit Curbco in the morning.
    Last edited by Soobthang; 09-16-2014 at 08:23 PM.

  20. #36
    Soobthang started this thread.
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    Hit Curbco on Wednesday morning, eyed a few car/truck wheels while scouting on my bike. Got sidetracked the rest of the day so I didn't pick them up. Went out Thursday morning, gone!! So I scouted another area and scoped an espresso machine with stainless, a car wheel, a flat screen tv. Saw a few tv carcasses where they were stripped and left. One still has the degaussing cable on it, another still had the board and a few wires.

    Picked up the wheel and espresso machine. Later, saw a hot water tank a block from my house, threw it in the back of my truck, barely fit with the tailgate up. Then went to get the flat screen, somebody took a few things off the back but there's still some harvestable material. Plan on getting the degaussing cable and circuit board off the other tube tv's eventually.

    Stripped the hot water tank. Pretty disappointing, got a brass valve and some #1 copper, and a bunch of foam to dispose of. And a big steel tank, what could I use it for? Thinking of cutting it in half and making a couple burn barrels maybe. Also stripped the LCD flat screen. Fair bit of copper, plenty of gold plating and steel and some aluminum out of it.
    Last edited by Soobthang; 09-19-2014 at 07:07 PM.

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