Ink cartridges


Random assorted junk, Including keyboard mylars, which contain silver

Now I decided I'd show what I generally get from an all in one printer/copier/fax machine. So heres the printer before scrapping:

Now what I got from it, took individual pictures for different components

Silver tipped ribbons

Boards, got low grade, mid grade and high grade from it

Cartridges, gold foils from cartridge reader, and a surprise speaker!

Electric Motors and some insulated wire, there really isn't a whole lot in a printer, maybe $4-30 value if you sell the cartridges to easy recycle group? I think it is. I still love doing printers, literally my favorite thing to scrap, don't know why.

Picked up this old bike from the garbage, took the front rim for my bike, then sold the back rim for $10, and still have the frame to take in for scrap in my next load!