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savannahs world scraping

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Savannahsworld started this thread.
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    savannahs world scraping

    So today I made my first purchase. 105 desktop and 46 labtops plus box HDD and few old video game systems. How I can post pics. My phone tells me to try again later connection error.

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  3. #2
    kevath's Avatar
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    How much you paid that?

  4. #3
    Savannahsworld started this thread.
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    $250 wish I could post pics.

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  6. #4
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Which old video game systems did you acquire ? If the desktops are complete you got a great deal

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  8. #5
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    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  10. #6
    Savannahsworld started this thread.
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    Most are not complete. But a good chuck are. Still can't post pics idk what I'm doing could be in trying from a Android not for a PC. Most are missing one side cover.... Some missing CPU, some ram, some just mother board, it's a mixed lot. I paid 1.666667 per unit. They guy said this was a two month collection. He suppose to call me next month.

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  12. #7
    Savannahsworld started this thread.
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    Hello SMF..... So I'm going to say thank you for this outlit (this a thank you for the lady who metal shed I'm in and random place I've put my first load of these PCs) . You may not feel bad correct my spelling as long as your not re-repeating the same error(I will makes us all laugh). OK anyone up lol.

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  14. #8
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Nice score there!

    This is what I do with spelling/grammar correctors.."I pat them on the shoulder an say..there, their, thier."

    Sirscrapalot - How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. - Abraham Lincoln
    Last edited by Sirscrapalot; 07-07-2014 at 07:09 PM. Reason: I had a tyop

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  16. #9
    Savannahsworld started this thread.
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    savannahs world scraping

    I wish I could post. people DONT want to see how many I have lol

  17. #10
    Savannahsworld started this thread.
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    So I'm in the work of getting into a warehouse and having access to scales and docks. I'll prob end up cleaning up allot of said metal within the build ing. Just wanted to give my thread a bump. With my first purchase, I'm still not finish taking it apart, but I have about maybe 20 more towers to go. I spent $250 and I've already made $270 in e waste stiff and about $$200 from local years from heatsinks send cages. I still have the CD floppy drive to open and u have portraying which in going to rear apart and have a friend create jewerlyb with. He already made a bracket from my girl. Wish I could post pics though my phone.

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  19. #11
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    A couple of notes.
    Wear a facemask if you are opening the computers and finding dust etc. If you are opening power supplys, id suggest dunking them in some wrm soapy like water first. I add some cleaning alcohol, just a tiny amount. You don't want bubbles, just enough to break the oils up a bit.
    The black dust just balls up and the boards go as clean as the day they were made.
    As soon as I open a computer I spray the inside with weak kitchen cleaner to stop airborne dust too. The dust does make me feel sick, sweaty face and sore eyes. Its probaby inoculating me against germs, but.......

    Jewelry. My favorite. There's real nice chips in eproms, the IC with a window on top of them.
    In laser printers and scanners there's a long thin chip with a window on it, lotsa gold in that chip and it has a very bright rainbow effect to its silicon chip.
    In old school video tape video recorders the sensor chip looks really nice, often a egyption blue colour with gold wires.
    Another chip is the opticl sensor from optical mice.

    Google image these chips for a idea on what they look like./e

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  21. #12
    Savannahsworld started this thread.
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    hello my followers.... so this is the first time i am signing into the website, ive been using the app only. i finallly after a year of having my own place with my soon to be wife and our daughter am online. i finsihsed the desktops and at least double my investment. meet a good guy out in long island mike thanks for all the insight and the great business. i have two stacks of labtops that i haven't even looked at yet and i have a freezer full of dvd floppy drives. i also have e square buckets of power suppys lol.

    so either monday or wedesday i'm off on an hour drive to an Indian res to scrap two trailers. my girl and i are going to camp out next to them and spend two days out. my buddy going to bring a load of camping stuff and anything else military we need. then later that day his going to leave with his wife with a load of alm back to our town. (i haven't looked to see if there is a closer yard yet.) but whatever good biz is always worth my time. then next week i'm back to the ewaste lol. hoping to have a fun time getting away from all the city stresses and just work and have fun.

    savannahs World--- i will not be normal and we all will never understand why.

  22. #13
    Savannahsworld started this thread.
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    HELLO!!!!! Update... So just finish cutting big one down to size.... Have a friend coming to look at the frame. I've made almost what i would in a work week. In a week. I'm still camping out going home Monday then I'll be back Wednesday, I'm becoming good friend with the tribe. I also got a house to gut... Most good stuff is already gone but the walls are still attached.

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  24. #14
    Savannahsworld started this thread.
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    savannahs world scraping

    major question for u guys. I have the big trailer left to cut up. the first one actually cut easy with the sawzall. the second one is heavier. what do u guy recommend to cut it up. I'm planing on using a angle grinder. I would rent a BIG saw but its seventy a day. that means I'd prob only make twenty bucks. not including gas. please I'm looking for real insight.

  25. #15
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    You might want to look into renting a porta-band. It's an electric hand held band saw. They are slower than a Demo saw, but will get the job done.

    Think about rent versus buy. You might check out the pawn shops for saws. I've seen the big demo saws go for $125 or less. If you get it down to the right price, one job pays for the saw and you have it to use over and over.

  26. The Following 3 Users say Thank You for This Post by Pnutfarmer:

  27. #16
    Savannahsworld started this thread.
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    savannahs world scraping

    thanks pnut. I looked on HF and they have one for around eighty bucks, buck reviews say or great IF you get a better name brand blade.

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  29. #17
    Savannahsworld started this thread.
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    savannahs world scraping

    update.........I GOT A TRUCK!!!!!!!
    I found a s10/4.3 auto long bed for $350. I cut the frame up with a grinder.wasn't too bad use two blandes and a few hours. I took my time didn't want to chew blades up.
    plus I was able to cut bigger pieces cause why.....I HAD A TRUCK!! lol

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  31. #18
    Fubar701's Avatar
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    What Game systems do you have? I do alot of game repairs.

  32. #19
    Savannahsworld started this thread.
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    savannahs world scraping

    few Xbox ps3 ps1 think a ps2 and few wires.

  33. #20
    Savannahsworld started this thread.
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    savannahs world scraping

    so I got the scrappers high today. I got a call from a friend d his dad had a ad unit. I get there and there's a truck load of scrap, I go to head to my yard and I notice there's a truck at a house I've been eyeing for few days. its a guy I know who scraps he cleaning up a pile of stuff. he see a lawn motor I got and ask to trade for another at unit..... he decided he got all he needs so I not only got a at unit but I also got half truck load of steel. no work tomorrow so I will be again cleaning my yard.

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