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Mature Dumpster diving

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    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Mature Dumpster diving

    Is it Mature or loosing my drive with Dumpster diving , I still do it regular But I leave some behind for the next guy .
    I've lost count of the years now I am at the 5 year mark to six possible as my wife had a particular job 6 years ago and thats a reference point .
    I collect less competitive yet I find all that I need even with a bit less greed .

    Maybe it's also a understanding the items are there & don't seem to be stopping , I have also come to except that I am a finder of items
    extraordinar . I could find more the I can manage , I have no more room . In a year I could fill land to a point of being SHUNNED and a fine or two
    boy o boy , I am thankful for maturity

  2. #2
    Archie's Avatar
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    rational and altruistic

    accumulating good karma/juju

  3. #3
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    I still do it regular But I leave some behind for the next guy .

    Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:

    Don't bother leaving anything behind for me . Beware of needles , glass and other nasty things in there . Maybe it's a Baltimore thing but most dumpsters I have looked in have needles in plain sight . Guess it doesn't help that the city hands them out for free along with methodone and condoms . They even have a large vehicle called the governors wellness mobile hat delivers to the junkies . It's parked on eastern ave by Patterson park almost daily.

  4. #4
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Part of the reason for the needle thing is to stop the spreading of HIV, an other nasty things that come with sharing needles. I hate heroin, an needles, so I'm far from encouraging the use. It's not just there to give them free needles. There is a purpose behind it. Heroin was quite big in the 80s, an led to many cases of HIV, an other stuff being passed around. First it stayed with those using, then it started being spread to others who didn't use, but had a loved one who did.

    Imagine your wife or husband, or boyfriend/girlfriend getting HIV from a needle. They come home, make a lil loving, and now it's spread. Condoms are to try an prevent more babies being born to those addicted to drugs, or hookers. Doesn't always work of course. An Hookers ain't going anywhere. The worlds oldest profession an always will be.

    For those that would like to read more ... Needle exchange programme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I've been to Baltimore many times, lived outside of it even. They had a huge Heroin/Crack epidemic there in the 80s/90s like most major cities. Heroin use was crazy there tho. Always makes me sad to visit. You can see the effects of Heroin an Crack use all over the city.

    Sure, I'd like to see people quit the drugs, but it's easier said then done when dealing with something like Heroin. It's a horrible drug, just like pill usage, an crazy addiction rates. Like meth once it's in a community it destroys it. Makes a place seem..soulless. To me that is. So..Needle exchange programs..I'm for them. I'd rather see them stop using but, I'm no fool. There will always be someone using something bad for them. Hookers will keep working, and addicts will keep shooting up. If it helps to stop the spread of HIV, and Hep, then I'll take half a win.

    I was up in Va Beach last winter, for the Holiday Lights they do. We were walking to the 7-11, saw several needles. I guess crossing the street put me in the wrong side of town. An that was just 2 blocks from the ocean front. Whole rest of the trip I kept looking for needles, as I had the dogs, an the niece with us.

    I'd dive a dumpster down here, but I sure as hell wouldn't somewhere like Baltimore or where I know Heroin is a big thing. What little use of it there is here on the sandbar, they don't inject it.

    I remember in the 80s visiting Ocean City, MD. Seeing areas of the beach closed off, cause of all the needles. Sad, just sad. I hear it's improved a lot since then. Maybe someday I'll visit again.

    Sirscrapalot - From 1988 to 2009, most needle exchanges were funded by private funds, due to a ban on federal funds being used. In 2009 Federal, state, county, an private funds are used to fund the the programs.

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  6. #5
    Montymoose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Part of the reason for the needle thing is to stop the spreading of HIV,
    Thank you sir, excellent reasoning.

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  8. #6
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Part of the reason for the needle thing is to stop the spreading of HIV, an other nasty things that come with sharing needles. I hate heroin, an needles, so I'm far from encouraging the use. It's not just there to give them free needles. There is a purpose behind it. Heroin was quite big in the 80s, an led to many cases of HIV, an other stuff being passed around. First it stayed with those using, then it started being spread to others who didn't use, but had a loved one who did.

    Imagine your wife or husband, or boyfriend/girlfriend getting HIV from a needle. They come home, make a lil loving, and now it's spread. Condoms are to try an prevent more babies being born to those addicted to drugs, or hookers. Doesn't always work of course. An Hookers ain't going anywhere. The worlds oldest profession an always will be.

    For those that would like to read more ... Needle exchange programme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I've been to Baltimore many times, lived outside of it even. They had a huge Heroin/Crack epidemic there in the 80s/90s like most major cities. Heroin use was crazy there tho. Always makes me sad to visit. You can see the effects of Heroin an Crack use all over the city.

    Sure, I'd like to see people quit the drugs, but it's easier said then done when dealing with something like Heroin. It's a horrible drug, just like pill usage, an crazy addiction rates. Like meth once it's in a community it destroys it. Makes a place seem..soulless. To me that is. So..Needle exchange programs..I'm for them. I'd rather see them stop using but, I'm no fool. There will always be someone using something bad for them. Hookers will keep working, and addicts will keep shooting up. If it helps to stop the spread of HIV, and Hep, then I'll take half a win.

    I was up in Va Beach last winter, for the Holiday Lights they do. We were walking to the 7-11, saw several needles. I guess crossing the street put me in the wrong side of town. An that was just 2 blocks from the ocean front. Whole rest of the trip I kept looking for needles, as I had the dogs, an the niece with us.

    I'd dive a dumpster down here, but I sure as hell wouldn't somewhere like Baltimore or where I know Heroin is a big thing. What little use of it there is here on the sandbar, they don't inject it.

    I remember in the 80s visiting Ocean City, MD. Seeing areas of the beach closed off, cause of all the needles. Sad, just sad. I hear it's improved a lot since then. Maybe someday I'll visit again.

    Sirscrapalot - From 1988 to 2009, most needle exchanges were funded by private funds, due to a ban on federal funds being used. In 2009 Federal, state, county, an private funds are used to fund the the programs.
    I always try to remind people whenever I can , I cringe when I hear of dumpster diving because of where I live ? Maybe but diabetics use needles as well . So you may come across them in any town .
    I have seen more needles on the ground than pennies in my lifetime. So that ended my dd career before it ever started.
    If you dive , stay alive . Beware contaminated needles and if you ever see a stericycle dumpster stay far away . That's where hospitals put the human waste . I.e. Tutors, excess fluids , tonsils and other scrapped human parts . Eww dumpsta's
    Last edited by Metalbestos; 07-12-2014 at 11:25 PM. Reason: Misspell

  9. #7
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I hear ya Metal. I'm no diver. I was just touching on the needle program you mentioned in your first post.

    Like you I'd rather stay out of one, but down here...less worry of needles if I do decide to hit one.

    Discarded needles, whether for drugs, diabetes, whatever are bad all around. Dispose of them properly!

    Sirscrapalot - Dislikes needles..a lot.

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  11. #8
    ScrappyGreg's Avatar
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    I'm trying to find a place where heroin doesn't have a foothold. I live in the sticks and sadly its big out here too.

  12. #9
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    There's a difference in foothold an down right devastation.

    I don't know how to describe it. I've been to a lot of the major cities, LA, Chicago, Atlanta, grew up in DC an outside it, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Philly, an others. They all have heroin issues, or crack or meth, or all of it. Only Baltimore has made me so crappy to visit, that I rarely do. Dunno why, but it does. I imagine Detroit would feel the same were I ever to visit with all the issues they are having.

    No offense to our Baltimore Natives. DC is by no means paradise, but there it's a big crack thing, yes it sucks, but..doesn't seem as bleak as Baltimore with it's Heroin, or the country towns destroyed by Meth.

    My sandbar has heroin, don't get me wrong. It's very low tho. An we have no effects from it....yet. Give it 20 years, an we will I'm sure. What use is here, is snorted mostly. Injection seems to not be a big thing here.

    To me it's just sad to see a major city like Baltimore, with it's harbor an many interesting areas, and historic parts, just..ravaged by the power of heroin.

    I'm not so naive to believe anywhere is drug free. If it's not heroin, it's crack, or cocaine, or meth, or pills, etc.

    Don't ask me for the answers I'm not that wise.

    Sirscrapalot - Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There's plenty of movement, but you never know if it's going to be forward, backwards, or sideways. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

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  14. #10
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrappyGreg View Post
    I'm trying to find a place where heroin doesn't have a foothold. I live in the sticks and sadly its big out here too.

    NZ. Theres junkies here but its all 'managed'. There's meth too but unless you are in those circles you don't see it.

    Since meth came here in the late 90s people in general have become *******s, but there's good people anywhere here too.
    Its just the individuals......
    Since we don't have neighbouring countrys, what comes in goes direct to the consumer.
    Bikie/Maori gangs rule the drug trade with pot being more homegrown.

    Needles, seen them once only in public, in the corner of a cemetry near a town centre. Fitting (sic) (sic)..
    Decades ago. There will be no needles in dumpsters and most are locked anyway

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  16. #11
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    My town has a major drug addict population, full of vagrants and gangbang losers. I have a current CPL and carry a 40 cal with a full mag of Hydrashok hollow points. A friend of mine has been almost robbed at knife and gunpoint several times while out walking his dog. It's really bad and getting worse every day.

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    Yup it sucks for sure.

    We have a couple of gang bangers here on the sandbar. Yea I know..funny right? Till you realize their going everywhere. For us it's not so they can recruit, it's so they can make money. They come down from Va Beach/Norfolk area, an sell their drugs. From some stuff I was reading..lets say...A kilo of Cocaine in Norfolk will bring in 35k(It's a lot more but I'm just tossing numbers.) once you cross the bridge to my sandbar..that same kilo will make 50k. We have several legit Bloods down here. They don't tag anything, they don't recruit, they don't shoot's not Cali. But they do push their poison, an it's not pot. It's Cocaine, Crack, Heroin, Meth, Pills, etc.

    Gangs an drugs are like roaches. You see one or two, an you think nothing of it, or think.."oh that doesn't go on in my neighborhood"..guess what? It does happen..EVERYWHERE. Anyone who says otherwise has their head in the sand an isn't seeing the signs.

    It's not a black, white, brown, rich, poor, etc's a green thing. All about the money.

    an yes I do got more to say on it but..I'm not feeling like ranting or'll just settle with the above. I do my part, or try to. It's one reason I love a couple of my thrift stores. The money they make goes to combat gangs, drugs, an the things that lead kids to join gangs or use drugs.

    Sirscrapalot - "Although this is a fictional story, there are Nino Browns in every major city in America. If we don't confront the problem realistically--without empty slogans and promises--then drugs will continue to destroy our country." - New Jack City, Message at end on the screen.

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  20. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    NZ. Theres junkies here but its all 'managed'. There's meth too but unless you are in those circles you don't see it.

    Since meth came here in the late 90s people in general have become *******s, but there's good people anywhere here too.
    Its just the individuals......
    Since we don't have neighbouring countrys, what comes in goes direct to the consumer.
    Bikie/Maori gangs rule the drug trade with pot being more homegrown.

    Needles, seen them once only in public, in the corner of a cemetry near a town centre. Fitting (sic) (sic)..
    Decades ago. There will be no needles in dumpsters and most are locked anyway
    Thats great to hear in the UK (Just a normal town - not realy an area of crime) Everyday you can see the zombies of the needle.The near dead and the younger people (sorry not a dig at at 'young people'-most are good and true).The wanna-be gangsters (14-21 mainly) think it's 'cool' to smoke the 'skunk'(a strain of canabis , known to cause mental problems).
    Just to see them do the 'walk' (10 men swagger- walk on your toes to seem to be taller , gate like 'John Waine' , chest stuck-out and arms pumping) makes me think "you will oneday think what a prick i must have looked!!"
    Needles i have seen a few as part of my 'day'job we clear-out repo places-They worry me and i'm always over careful.
    Stay safe for gods sake and yours.

    British - Say no to drugs - Say yes to your wife - Say how much to to your yard - Say SHUTUP BRITISH
    Last edited by british; 07-14-2014 at 04:57 PM. Reason: REALY BAD SPELLLLLUINGZ

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  22. #14
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Sirscrapalot says - "Your tag lines are getting better, young grasshoppa."

    Sirscrapalot - Teaching the art of the tag line since..uh..2014!

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    Out here we have a big MRF recycling place that processes all the recycling put in the blue bins, and yea people toss the needles in the recycling bin. That would suck to get stuck as you were going through the conveyor belt of recycling items. As for people that need insulin they know how to dispose of the needles and do. As for the junkies we need a place for them to dispose of them (if they would), but it's easier to add them to the trash or recycling.

    Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.

    George Carlin
    Last edited by hobo finds; 07-14-2014 at 05:21 PM.

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  26. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirscrapalot View Post
    Sirscrapalot says - "Your tag lines are getting better, young grasshoppa."

    Sirscrapalot - Teaching the art of the tag line since..uh..2014!
    Oh wise master
    Wax on - Wax off now.......

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  28. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by british View Post
    Oh wise master
    Wax on - Wax off now.......

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  30. #18
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    Paint the fence Daniel-San

    Sirscrapalot - Wise man on the quote mountain.

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  32. #19
    british's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    Out here we have a big MRF recycling place that processes all the recycling put in the blue bins, and yea people toss the needles in the recycling bin. That would suck to get stuck as you were going through the conveyor belt of recycling items. As for people that need insulin they know how to dispose of the needles and do. As for the junkies we need a place for them to dispose of them (if they would), but it's easier to add them to the trash or recycling.

    Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.

    George Carlin
    Great quote........
    We have needle exchanges but when they are 'off their faces' they don't think 'oh i will pop down to the needle exchange'

    insulin users on the whole are just normal people touched by a horrid problem and are supported by our health care programs and here at least seem to follow the rules of needle management .

    Hate self abusers (Wife Just got 'late onset epileapsy' and a little scared and angry)

    British - Sometimes things scare you - Fright is the way you see how much you love somebody - ME

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  34. #20
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    One night on a drive around, i stopped to pick up a pretzel container that i thought were full of nails, but when i picked it up, a needle stabbed me in my hand. Then, i realized it was a whole jar of needles, and dropped it back on the curb and drove home to inspect my hand. Thank god it wasnt a druggie or something, no antibiotics needed and got checked by the doctor before i went back to work.

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