Part of the reason for the needle thing is to stop the spreading of HIV, an other nasty things that come with sharing needles. I hate heroin, an needles, so I'm far from encouraging the use. It's not just there to give them free needles. There is a purpose behind it. Heroin was quite big in the 80s, an led to many cases of HIV, an other stuff being passed around. First it stayed with those using, then it started being spread to others who didn't use, but had a loved one who did.
Imagine your wife or husband, or boyfriend/girlfriend getting HIV from a needle. They come home, make a lil loving, and now it's spread. Condoms are to try an prevent more babies being born to those addicted to drugs, or hookers. Doesn't always work of course.

An Hookers ain't going anywhere. The worlds oldest profession an always will be.
For those that would like to read more ...
Needle exchange programme - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I've been to Baltimore many times, lived outside of it even. They had a huge Heroin/Crack epidemic there in the 80s/90s like most major cities. Heroin use was crazy there tho. Always makes me sad to visit. You can see the effects of Heroin an Crack use all over the city.
Sure, I'd like to see people quit the drugs, but it's easier said then done when dealing with something like Heroin. It's a horrible drug, just like pill usage, an crazy addiction rates. Like meth once it's in a community it destroys it. Makes a place seem..soulless. To me that is. So..Needle exchange programs..I'm for them. I'd rather see them stop using but, I'm no fool. There will always be someone using something bad for them. Hookers will keep working, and addicts will keep shooting up. If it helps to stop the spread of HIV, and Hep, then I'll take half a win.
I was up in Va Beach last winter, for the Holiday Lights they do. We were walking to the 7-11, saw several needles. I guess crossing the street put me in the wrong side of town. An that was just 2 blocks from the ocean front. Whole rest of the trip I kept looking for needles, as I had the dogs, an the niece with us.
I'd dive a dumpster down here, but I sure as hell wouldn't somewhere like Baltimore or where I know Heroin is a big thing. What little use of it there is here on the sandbar, they don't inject it.
I remember in the 80s visiting Ocean City, MD. Seeing areas of the beach closed off, cause of all the needles. Sad, just sad. I hear it's improved a lot since then. Maybe someday I'll visit again.
Sirscrapalot - From 1988 to 2009, most needle exchanges were funded by private funds, due to a ban on federal funds being used. In 2009 Federal, state, county, an private funds are used to fund the the programs.