Originally Posted by
Yeah you make it for 8$ if you already have a cooler or burrow the neighbors, has anyone seen the price of coolers lately ?
I have several.

Feel free to contact me if someone needs one. lol. I got about 6 of them. The traveling cooler is not included in this offer. Ya'll couldn't afford my price.

I only use one other so I got 4 or 5 back ups. Usually only use them for big storms an such.
An yes new ones can be expensive, also depends where you buy them. Saw one at cvs the other day barely big enough for a 6 pack an some ice, they wanted 24 bucks for it! Some places tho do have good deals. Try to buy them during the off season if you can, or when camping gear an stuff goes on sale. I know my local stores (Wal-mart, K-mart) all have coolers in their camping section year round, an they do, do sales on them all year long.
Unless your really to plug the thing in, I suggest a old school cooler that just works on ice. The others that you can plug into keep stuff cold (car or wall socket) are nice, but pricey if you want a good one. I had one long ago, an that sucker was awesome. Great if I didn't want to spend money on ice, or was doing a road trip. No worries over ice an such.
I prefer old school tho. Keep your fancy coolers. Long as my stuff stays cold, I don't care bout nothing else. I always have a way to produce tunes, I have flashlights everywhere, I have a bottle opener on my key chain. Hell I got bottle openers everywhere. I just love my soda in a glass bottle sometimes, an they usually always require a bottle opener.
Edit: An Tater..good to see ya buddy! Wondering where you been hiding.
Sirscrapalot - Summer deal on coolers, inquire within. I'll even sign it.