I don't know yet how to check the metals .
But if there's a greyish hard metal wire attached to each key as the contact wire. It may be platinum.
I chucked out a keybord a while ago and then learnt this...
I also got the impression that if this wire was heated up to red hot and a stream of butane gas was flowed on it, that the pkatinum would stay red hot thru a catalitic reaction.
This happens on the wire that's sometimes in the mouth of the 'jet lighter' sort of cigarette lighter.
It didn't happen to the keyboard wire or the wire from car fueltank gauge sender units or the wire mesh in the flameless pocket warmers.
So I'm not sure hiw to check it now.
I'm still saving the fueltank wire. Its got that blue grey silver mettalic look to it.like lead, but really hard and a bit springy.