I am not a narcissist But as to finding scrap off the street I am a top contender . Any place I visit with family like different states ,
on the first day I go for it I am in business like as if I was home . Further more maybe its my mellow or a sad sap look but 99% of any dumpster I go I am never chased away .
I have amassed a collection of stuff wile scrapping for 5 years that is more then I can handle .
I have not to my choice shared my stuff with Drug Heads - - HEY !!! Theres enough for every one !!!!
OK it's clear in my life - i will never have the time to take apart all the vac motors AC sealed units - WITH OUT having to share my stuff with unknown thieves SO it's time to shift the trans and sell cause I AM DONE SHARING MY SCRAP ,
wile I contemplate should i take apart this or that or save that item
to clean .
S**T the drug heads are smarter then me they take my Wish List bucket of trans formers (for future dismantling like I'll ever really get to it ) and they take it (steal ) & sell for $25 instead of my wish dismantle $60 .
Cameras wont work I heard form my Boss who has a system, the individuals know there way around
they put on hats keep faces down stay low . My boss said his harbor freight system just ain't cutting it .
Sell Sell Sell - get more - Sell Sell Sell -
thats what these drug scrappers have taught me .
I am done finding it for them