Today we had a chiller to pick up and scrap, as chillers go this was a small unit 70 unit ton water cooled. I must tell you that this unit was one of the worst condition wise we have ever done, the unit was on top of a condo that was no more than 200 feet from the ocean, I do not know how it was running in the shape it was in, they basically had 4x4's nailed togeather to hold it in place. As the pictures show, well now to the good part we recovered 120lbs of R-22 freeon from the system, the coils weighed 180 lbs each x eight all the copper lines were sprayed silver but they were copper, tomorrow we will cut the barrel and remove the copper from inside, the unit has 6 large sealed units, four large electric motors, plus a nice amount of copper lines I will let you guys know the copper weight, from my experience there should be around four hundred lbs of copper in the barrel, when the crane picked it it weighed 6700 lbs so there is a nice amount of tin, this is one of the reasons you should focus on commercial accounts. E-mail them follow up with a phone call drop by there offices give them your card, and when they call never say no ,,,, yes, yes, yes.we can be there we can do it no problem. Your reputation is key be dependable, and do what you say you will do,
It takes some time but it will happen. Happy Scraping 1956