I pulled a small bucketfull of the transformers from computer supplys apart yesterday.
They were the yellow taped ones that are placed inside the powersupply box, not bolted in, just placed thete and only connected by the two wires.
They were the average 60gms+ each.
The iron core inside them is 'stacked' laminations, not the interlaced sort.
Because of that I could break them in half using earmuffs (most important!) A hammer and cold chisel.
I just placed them on the bench vise and put the cold chisel across both windings on top of the copper wire and bashed them.
They break a bit, turned it over and did it again untill the ends seperate.
Then I just pulled each end apart and pulled out the wire and wound it into a ball.
I have another one to do, so I will get exact weights.
The laminations tended to stay together. When they do that, I put them into a fridge compressor case and tack weld it shut.
So I get heavy metal insize prices for it.