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-- MOTORS -- summer 2014

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    -- MOTORS -- summer 2014

    These days there paying .28 per pound & copper #2 is holding above $ 2.57 to $2.70 in flux day to day
    back a time motors were stuck at .19 to .20 year after year ,
    Unless others can refresh my memory I think it took 4 vacuum motors to equal one pound copper
    with a result of 10# to 11# of short and 1# to 2 # of mix - - PER 4 MOTORS .
    This decent price .28 seems to officially closed the gap to no need to dismantle motors
    Also I notice many Vac's motors now have a plastic shell that once dismantled is a loss

    I used to get .14 or less for Sealed (ac compressors)
    But now @ .23 is making me wonder also .

    I've been saving and saving for the proverbially motor dismantle marathon
    & as luck seems to have it the time is now sell as is .

    -- BTW --
    Based on Gross ton
    mix $205
    short $305
    cars $204
    AL .54 per #
    Lead .63 per #
    Brass $1.80 per#
    Last edited by Copper Head; 08-01-2014 at 07:14 PM.

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  3. #2
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    I don't touch them. Sell them whole and move on.

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  5. #3
    F350scrapper's Avatar
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    Better to sell transforemers and motors as is your getting 3.5 times the true value of steel on the steel part of the motors. So after you take the weight of that you just lost money and put 15 minutes into it.

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  7. #4
    happyscraper's Avatar
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    Lucky for me, I've been dealing with a yard that take things with plastic still on them. So with vacuums I just cut the cord and in the shred it goes. Motors and transformers I just sell whole, saves me a lot of time that I don't have much of anymore.

  8. #5
    Copper Head is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    It's a funny thing
    I once analyzed a sample of motors 100% with a spread sheet and found a profit if I dismantled & dismantled plenty for the profit
    as the copper bucket filled

    Now I see an actual LOSS (substantial ) It means something
    I'd say demand for steel is up

    I wonder will motors be .50 per pound in 5 years ???
    For now I will pat myself on the back cause Month after Month for years it's been motors - - get the motors
    I've also got balusters to convert to motors .
    I've been talked about by many negativity with this crazy scrapper life . Well I was paid $293 today
    $127 of it being motors
    then AL Mix and short .

    This forum is great cause who can we cheer to , The average JOE, just does not get excited to hear
    the news.
    I guess thats a good thing

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