I went to pick up a trolling motor yesterday and that led into quite the haul. Ended up with a few thousand pounds of shred, a couple new carts that will be nice once fixed up, and a nice pile of aluminum siding. These bins were the grand prize though! 3 Of them total and they are about 4x4x4. They have one side which opens up so easily dump the contents. All of them have some rust damage (looks like honeycomb), but its still solid enough that if you kick it right on the rust spot its still solid. I was thinking I put a few pieces of flat sheet metal over the affected areas and use some sort of epoxy instead of welding, then I can sand them down, re paint them W/ the business logo, and hopefully find a couple business's that would let me put the bin there and just come check on a regular basis.
Even if I dont utilize these things myself I still think they will be worth 10x the scrap value if I fix them up a bit. Any thoughts? Would any of you spend a few dollars on one of these if it was repainted/rust sealed? What would you pay for one? (Just to get a price range). I myself started looking for some containers of this size when I started scrapping but couldn't find diddly. Worst case scenario is I think I got myself some new bins for the shop. ALSO! They have the forklift slides on the bottom so they can be moved around with a pallet jack.

I was like FOUR inches short to getting 2 of these bins in the bed haha
Truck still goin strong!