been busy last couple days! picked up an 82 chevy celebrity monday. and today picked up a 93 & 94 chevy asto vans with full of
scrap metal.
owner already removed the copper wiring and the battery,alt,starter! but forgot the cats! so i cut them off and tossed them in my cat pile. still have one left to cut off yet. here is the cats off the 82 chevy celebrity and 93 chevy astro van.
got one of the astro vans into the scrap yard just in time as they were closing for the day. otherone is sitting on my trailer for tomorrow.
first asto van came in at 4,800 at $195 a ton came to a total of $468 so can't complain about that. 82 chevy celebrity came in few pounds short of a ton in a half. got around $280 for that one.