Even though the compressor on those heat invertors (that's the larger home installed heater/cooler units we have here in NZ) (not the window box units I see in American movies, that are coolers that are stuck into window spaces..) are bigger.
They don't seem to yeald much more copper than a normal fridge compressor, which seems pretty standard at 2lbs or maybe 1Kg of Copper.
They also take more work to cut them open.
I cut around thru the spot welds on the outside and sledge hammer them apart, maybe more grinding to loosen it.
Then? Well the standard amount of Copper, though some have a nice Brass counterweight on the end of the shaft.
Then I'm stuck with some Ali contaminated heavy Iron and part of the casing, with a slot ground down one side of it too loosen the iron core/Copper windings part of the unit.
I started today at 3pm, walked 10 blocks with tools, scrapped CRT TV's, some electronics, gotta electric motor, sacked it up and hidden sack, finished scrapping at 6:30 when it got dark, walked another 10 blocks to fre wifi.
Doing this till close to 8:30+ when I goto supermarket, get food, walk back to sack, prep it for carrying the last
ten blocks to home, then clean down copper and clip plastic coated wire and ribbon cable, probably finish about 11pm.
Spot yah later guyz.