On my job I helped to drop off a roll off container .
The situation was a clean out for husband and wife .
Particular the husbands stuff (in his 80's ) 4 days later I stopped by
to see progress and the oldish guy was getting put down by his kids the wife
as to his collection of stuff he was fighting not to be tossed to trash .
I felt like the man was a kindred spirit and I just had to come to his defense
the sons said " every time some body moved out he went over to get the left behind stuff .
the old guy was really upset .
I said listen your father was plenty smart he collected plenty of metal I said back when he found those golf clubs , lamps , pipes
metal was like a penny a pound now there is all sorts of value . I agreed that some of the stuff was trash . Plenty of musty books ceiling tiles
some real hoarder items . but no way around it plenty of metal .
Any way nothing to do with my defense of the man, the nephew did take much of the metal items .
But in the dumpster I did find
Wire 14 pounds
5 vacuums
1 TV
1 toaster
fishing reels ( old ) ???
and some other things
I can't even remember
25 pounds of lead in the form of shot
It's fine that others scrap but I'm glad they weren't real scrappers